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cherry-pick to master from release/0.15.0 -> msys2: Update checksums … #1341

cherry-pick to master from release/0.15.0 -> msys2: Update checksums …

cherry-pick to master from release/0.15.0 -> msys2: Update checksums … #1341

Workflow file for this run

name: ObjCThemis
- '.github/workflows/test-objc.yaml'
- 'docs/examples/objc/**'
- 'docs/examples/swift/**'
- 'src/soter/**'
- 'src/themis/**'
- 'src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/**'
- 'tests/objcthemis/**'
- 'Themis.xcodeproj/**'
- 'third_party/boringssl/src/**'
- '**/Cartfile*'
- '**/Podfile*'
- '**/*.podspec'
- '!**/README*'
- master
- stable
- release/*
- cron: '20 6 * * 1' # every Monday at 6:20 UTC
# See here for what devices are available:
TEST_IPAD: iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
# Most of our tests and examples are actually Xcode projects which integrate
# Themis via a dependency manager (Carthage, CocoaPods). This means that they
# depend on the current stable version, and that's what they will pull in.
# However, most of the time we want to build against the HEAD being tested.
# Pristine source should be built only for stable release branches.
# Each job has a "Hack dependencies" step which will retarget dependencies
# to the current git HEAD. These steps are enabled if HACK_DEPENDENCIES is
# set to "true". Note that you need to perform the check in a silly way:
# if: contains(env.HACK_DEPENDENCIES, 'true')
# because JavaScript^W of how substitutions in GitHub Actions work.
github.event_name != 'release'
&& github.ref != 'refs/heads/stable'
&& !startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/release/')
&& !startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
# When building pull requests GitHub uses an internal ref in the *base repo*,
# making it inaccessible to dumb tools. Use these variables that point to PRs
# head, not the result of merge with base.
HACK_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name || github.repository }}
HACK_SHA: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
DEVELOPER_DIR: /Applications/
name: Unit tests (CocoaPods)
runs-on: macos-12
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Hack dependencies
if: contains(env.HACK_DEPENDENCIES, 'true')
run: |
# CocoaPods
find tests/objcthemis -type f -name Podfile.lock -delete
find tests/objcthemis -type f -name Podfile -print0 | xargs -0 \
sed -E -i '' \
-e "s|(pod 'themis.*').*|\1, :git => \"${HACK_REPOSITORY}.git\", :commit => \"$HACK_SHA\"|"
- name: Update CocoaPods repo
run: |
pod repo update
- name: Install Themis via CocoaPods
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/tests/objcthemis
pod install
- name: Run unit tests (iOS Simulator, OpenSSL)
if: always()
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/tests/objcthemis
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-workspace objcthemis.xcworkspace \
-scheme "objthemis" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${TEST_IPHONE}" \
name: Unit tests (Carthage)
runs-on: macos-12
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Work around Carthage braindeath and let it focus on building the project
# that actually matters not a gazillion of examples with SPM dependencies.
# If these issues get resolved, they might contain a better way:
- name: Remove Carthage distractions
run: |
rm -rf docs/examples/objc
rm -rf docs/examples/swift
rm -rf tests/objcthemis/objcthemis.xcworkspace
rm -rf tests/objcthemis/objcthemis.xcodeproj
- name: Pull Carthage dependencies
run: |
carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks
- name: Build Carthage projects
run: |
carthage build --no-skip-current --use-xcframeworks
- name: Run unit tests (Swift 4, macOS)
if: always()
run: |
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project Themis.xcodeproj \
-scheme "Test Themis (Swift 4, macOS)" \
- name: Run unit tests (Swift 5, macOS)
if: always()
run: |
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project Themis.xcodeproj \
-scheme "Test Themis (Swift 5, macOS)" \
- name: Run unit tests (Swift 4, iOS Simulator)
if: always()
run: |
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project Themis.xcodeproj \
-scheme "Test Themis (Swift 4, iOS)" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${TEST_IPAD}" \
- name: Run unit tests (Swift 5, iOS Simulator)
if: always()
run: |
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project Themis.xcodeproj \
-scheme "Test Themis (Swift 5, iOS)" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${TEST_IPHONE}" \
name: Carthage project
runs-on: macos-12
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Work around Carthage braindeath and let it focus on building the project
# that actually matters not a gazillion of examples with SPM dependencies.
# If these issues get resolved, they might contain a better way:
- name: Remove Carthage distractions
run: |
rm -rf docs/examples/objc
rm -rf docs/examples/swift
rm -rf tests/objcthemis/objcthemis.xcworkspace
rm -rf tests/objcthemis/objcthemis.xcodeproj
- name: Pull Carthage dependencies
run: |
carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks
- name: Build Carthage projects
run: |
carthage build --no-skip-current --use-xcframeworks
name: CocoaPods project
runs-on: macos-12
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Hack dependencies
if: contains(env.HACK_DEPENDENCIES, 'true')
run: |
# Use the current commit in CocoaPods podspec
sed -E -i '' \
-e "s|^([ ]*s\.source = ).*$|\1{ :git => \"${HACK_REPOSITORY}.git\", :commit => \"$HACK_SHA\" }|" \
# Note that CocoaPods is *really* strict with versioning, does not
# allow modified podspec to be published, and issues a warning
# if the source is anything but a release tag. For regular builds
# we allow warnings with this extra flag:
echo "ALLOW_WARNINGS=--allow-warnings" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Syntax check
run: pod spec lint $ALLOW_WARNINGS --quick
- name: Lint podspec
# Always allow warnings in podspec, even for pristine release one.
# This is due to silly warnings produced by our glorious dependencies:
# - WARN | [themis/themis-openssl, themis/themis-openssl/core, themis/themis-openssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: GRKOpenSSLFramework/OpenSSL-iOS/bin/openssl.framework/Headers/ecdsa.h:295:14: warning: parameter 'flags' not found in the function declaration [-Wdocumentation]
# - NOTE | [themis/themis-openssl, themis/themis-openssl/core, themis/themis-openssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: GRKOpenSSLFramework/OpenSSL-iOS/bin/openssl.framework/Headers/ecdsa.h:295:14: note: did you mean 'name'?
# - WARN | [themis/themis-openssl, themis/themis-openssl/core, themis/themis-openssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: GRKOpenSSLFramework/OpenSSL-iOS/bin/openssl.framework/Headers/ecdsa.h:301:14: warning: parameter 'ecdsa_method' not found in the function declaration [-Wdocumentation]
# - WARN | [themis/themis-openssl, themis/themis-openssl/core, themis/themis-openssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: GRKOpenSSLFramework/OpenSSL-iOS/bin/openssl.framework/Headers/ecdsa.h:302:14: warning: parameter 'name' not found in the function declaration [-Wdocumentation]
# - WARN | [themis/themis-openssl, themis/themis-openssl/core, themis/themis-openssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: GRKOpenSSLFramework/OpenSSL-macOS/bin/openssl.framework/Headers/ecdsa.h:295:14: warning: parameter 'flags' not found in the function declaration [-Wdocumentation]
# - NOTE | [themis/themis-openssl, themis/themis-openssl/core, themis/themis-openssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: GRKOpenSSLFramework/OpenSSL-macOS/bin/openssl.framework/Headers/ecdsa.h:295:14: note: did you mean 'name'?
# - WARN | [themis/themis-openssl, themis/themis-openssl/core, themis/themis-openssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: GRKOpenSSLFramework/OpenSSL-macOS/bin/openssl.framework/Headers/ecdsa.h:301:14: warning: parameter 'ecdsa_method' not found in the function declaration [-Wdocumentation]
# - WARN | [themis/themis-openssl, themis/themis-openssl/core, themis/themis-openssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: GRKOpenSSLFramework/OpenSSL-macOS/bin/openssl.framework/Headers/ecdsa.h:302:14: warning: parameter 'name' not found in the function declaration [-Wdocumentation]
# - WARN | [themis/themis-boringssl, themis/themis-boringssl/core, themis/themis-boringssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: <module-includes>:1:1: warning: umbrella header for module 'openssl' does not include header '/third_party/fiat/internal.h' [-Wincomplete-umbrella]
# - WARN | [themis/themis-boringssl, themis/themis-boringssl/core, themis/themis-boringssl/objcwrapper, and more...] xcodebuild: <module-includes>:1:1: warning: umbrella header for module 'openssl' does not include header '/third_party/fiat/curve25519_tables.h' [-Wincomplete-umbrella]
# While -Wdocumentation is definitely not going to break anything,
# I wonder if -Wincomplete-umbrella for BoringSSL is risky. Though,
# we are not be exporting {Open,Boring}SSL API from Themis, so it's
# probably fine.
ALLOW_WARNINGS: --allow-warnings
run: pod spec lint $ALLOW_WARNINGS --verbose --fail-fast
name: Code examples
runs-on: macos-12
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Hack dependencies
if: contains(env.HACK_DEPENDENCIES, 'true')
run: |
# Carthage
find docs/examples -type f -name Cartfile.resolved -delete
find docs/examples -type f -name Cartfile -print0 | xargs -0 \
sed -E -i '' \
-e "s|github \"cossacklabs/themis\".*|github \"$HACK_REPOSITORY\" \"$HACK_SHA\"|"
# CocoaPods
find docs/examples -type f -name Podfile.lock -delete
find docs/examples -type f -name Podfile -print0 | xargs -0 \
sed -E -i '' \
-e "s|(pod 'themis(/[a-z-]*)*').*|\1, :git => \"${HACK_REPOSITORY}.git\", :commit => \"$HACK_SHA\"|"
- name: Update CocoaPods repo
run: |
pod repo update
# Try building Themis for all iOS device architectures. We do it here
# because CocoaPods does not allow to check that directly but with
# example projects it's more or less possible.
- name: Build ObjCThemis for Generic Device (Carthage)
if: always()
run: |
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS --use-xcframeworks
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project Themis.xcodeproj \
-scheme "Themis (iOS)" \
-sdk iphoneos \
-destination "generic/platform=iOS" \
- name: Build ObjCThemis for Generic Device (CocoaPods)
if: always()
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/docs/examples/objc/iOS-CocoaPods
pod install
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-workspace ThemisTest.xcworkspace \
-scheme "Pods-ThemisTest" \
-sdk iphoneos \
-destination "generic/platform=iOS" \
# Since all code examples are macOS/iOS applications, not command-line
# utilities, we only verify that they build. This is fine.
# App samples: Objective-C
- name: Build sample app (Objective-C, Carthage, iOS)
if: always()
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/docs/examples/objc/iOS-Carthage
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS --use-xcframeworks --no-build
find Carthage/Checkouts/themis -type d -name '*.xcodeproj' \
| grep -v 'Carthage/Checkouts/themis/Themis.xcodeproj' \
| xargs rm -rf
carthage build --platform iOS --use-xcframeworks
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project ThemisTest.xcodeproj \
-scheme "ThemisTest" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${TEST_IPAD}" \
- name: Build sample app (Objective-C, Carthage, macOS)
if: always()
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/docs/examples/objc/macOS-Carthage
carthage bootstrap --platform macOS --use-xcframeworks --no-build
find Carthage/Checkouts/themis -type d -name '*.xcodeproj' \
| grep -v 'Carthage/Checkouts/themis/Themis.xcodeproj' \
| xargs rm -rf
carthage build --platform macOS --use-xcframeworks
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project ThemisTest.xcodeproj \
-scheme "ThemisTest" \
- name: Build sample app (Objective-C, CocoaPods, iOS)
if: always()
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/docs/examples/objc/iOS-CocoaPods
pod install
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-workspace ThemisTest.xcworkspace \
-scheme "ThemisTest" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${TEST_IPHONE}" \
# App samples: Swift
- name: Build sample app (Swift, Carthage, iOS)
if: always()
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/docs/examples/swift/iOS-Carthage
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS --use-xcframeworks --no-build
find Carthage/Checkouts/themis -type d -name '*.xcodeproj' \
| grep -v 'Carthage/Checkouts/themis/Themis.xcodeproj' \
| xargs rm -rf
carthage build --platform iOS --use-xcframeworks
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project ThemisTest.xcodeproj \
-scheme "ThemisTest" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${TEST_IPHONE}" \
- name: Build sample app (Swift, Carthage, macOS)
if: always()
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/docs/examples/swift/macOS-Carthage
carthage bootstrap --platform macOS --use-xcframeworks --no-build
find Carthage/Checkouts/themis -type d -name '*.xcodeproj' \
| grep -v 'Carthage/Checkouts/themis/Themis.xcodeproj' \
| xargs rm -rf
carthage build --platform macOS --use-xcframeworks
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-project ThemisTest.xcodeproj \
-scheme "ThemisTest" \
- name: Build sample app (Swift, CocoaPods, iOS)
if: always()
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/docs/examples/swift/iOS-CocoaPods
pod install
rm -rf DerivedData
xcodebuild \
-derivedDataPath DerivedData \
-workspace ThemisSwift.xcworkspace \
-scheme "ThemisSwift" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${TEST_IPAD}" \