This is a single threaded Kafka producer that will show the usage of best practice parameters for minimizing data loss. Also shows the usage of onCompletion when working with the default AsyncProducer
- props.put("acks", "all");
- Waits for in sync replicas to reply
- props.put("retries", 100); props.put(“”,100);
- Retries for 10S, then throws error in callback
- Validate if your volume can handle retries for 10s and lower retries and backoff as needed.
- props.put("",maxBlockMS);
- 60,0000 default, Lowering this to small will cause failures on reconnect during broker failover scenarios.
- props.put("", 1);
- To prevent reordering: close producer in callback with close(0) on send failure
- props.put("", 1);
- After 1 ms fire the batch even if the batch isn't full.
- props.put("buffer.memory", buffMemory);
- Usecase and SLA dependent, must be larger than record size
- props.put("batch.size", batchSize);
- Batch size with a linger setting allows better management of the channel under heavy load.
- To prevent data loss on leader re-election for a 3 node Brokerage During Topic Creation
- default.replication.factor=3
- min.insync.replica=2
- unclean.leader.election.enable = false
- Replication factor > min.isr
- If replication factor = min.isr, partition will be offline when one replica is down
- Allows 2 out of the 3 replica’s to be in sync and Ack’d
Alter Topic level setting
bin/ --alter --zookeeper ZKADDRESS -- entity-type topics --entity-name TOPICNAME --add-config min.insync.replicas=2 unclean.leader.election.enable=false
Usage: Topic, Server, batchSize, numIterations, metricsPollingRateInSeconds, recordSize in bytes, buffMem, isAsync, maxblockms, isTransational
java -jar target/KafkaProducerSample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar TOPIC BROKER:PORT,BROKER:PORT 10 3000 3 1000 10000 TRUE 60000 TRUE