Sink all of your opponent's ships before they sink yours.
- There are two players
- Each player has 5 ships
- a carrier, 5 holes
- a battleship, 4 holes
- a cruiser, 3 holes
- a submarine, 3 holes
- a destroyer, 2 holes
- Each player has a 10x10 ocean grid on which to place their ships at the beginning of the game.
- Ships are placed horizontally or vertically on their ocean grid, but not diagonally.
- Ship must be fully contained in the player's grid
- Ships must not overlap
- Ships may not move after they have been placed
- After all of the ships have been placed, one of the players is chosen to play first.
- Players alternate turns calling out one shot per turn to try to hit their opponent's ships.
- Shots are called by announcing a target grid coordinate.
- Once a shot is called, the opponent announces whether the shot is a hit or a miss.
- If a shot is a hit, the hole at that coordinate is filled.
- Once all holes in a ship have been filled, that ship has been sunk.
- A player whose ship has been sunk must announce that fact.
- The game ends when all of one player's ships have been sunk.