A package for converting from the Kotlin library Kotlinx
JSON format (which supports polymorphism),
to the Dart library built_value
has a different representation of objects than standard JSON, and is incompatible with
the most robust serialization library for Dart which also supports polymorphism (built_value
Specifically, Kotlinx
will represent a polymorph object as:
"field1" : "value1",
"field2" : "value2",
Whereas built_value
for Dart expects the following format:
"$" : "ClassName",
"field1" : "value1",
"field2" : "value2",
Map<String, String> nonPolymorphicClasses = {
"triggers": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.triggers.TriggerWithId",
"triggeredTasks": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.triggers.TriggeredTask",
AdvancedKotlinxDartConverter jsonConverter = new AdvancedKotlinxDartConverter();
jsonConverter.nonPolymorphicClasses = nonPolymorphicClasses;
Map<String, dynamic> result = jsonConverter.convert(kotlinJson);
// Print the resulting JSON string
Given the following Study protocol, containing both polymorphic- as well ans non-polymorphic classes:
"ownerId": "9c3aff68-b7f0-491a-9f1a-e2ca88bf01cf",
"name": "MUBS",
"masterDevices": [
{ "isMasterDevice": true, "roleName": "Patient phone" }
"connectedDevices": [],
"connections": [],
"tasks": [
"name": "Start measures",
"measures": [
"type": [
{ "category": "Location" }
"type": [
{ "category": "Movement" }
"triggers": [
"id": 0,
"trigger": [
"sourceDeviceRoleName": "Patient phone",
"requiresMasterDevice": true
"triggeredTasks": [
"triggerId": 0,
"taskName": "Start measures",
"targetDeviceRoleName": "Patient phone"
The converter will output the following JSON (when encoded as a string):
"ownerId": "9c3aff68-b7f0-491a-9f1a-e2ca88bf01cf",
"name": "MUBS",
"masterDevices": [
"$": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.devices.Smartphone",
"isMasterDevice": true,
"roleName": "Patient phone"
"connectedDevices": [],
"connections": [],
"tasks": [
"$": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.tasks.IndefiniteTask",
"name": "Start measures",
"measures": [
"$": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.tasks.measures.GpsMeasure",
"type": [
"$": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.data.GpsDataType",
"category": "Location"
"type": [
"$": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.data.StepCountDataType",
"category": "Movement"
"triggers": [
"$": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.triggers.TriggerWithId",
"id": 0,
"trigger": [
"$": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.triggers.StartOfStudyTrigger",
"sourceDeviceRoleName": "Patient phone",
"requiresMasterDevice": true
"triggeredTasks": [
"$": "dk.cachet.carp.protocols.domain.triggers.TriggeredTask",
"triggerId": 0,
"taskName": "Start measures",
"targetDeviceRoleName": "Patient phone"