CPSwarm abtraction library for Kobuki Turtlebot 2
source /opt/ros/<ros-distro>/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/cpswarm/turtlebot_abstraction_library/
cd ~/catkin_ws/
There is a yaml file (param/compute_cost_param.yaml) to configure the parameters of the package:
map_pose_topic: amcl_pose # Topic for receiving the position of the CPS in map coordinates.
target_cost_topic: cps_selection # Topic to send the computed cost to reach target.
cps_selected_topic: bridge/events/cps_selected # Topic to receive selection response
UUID_topic: bridge/uuid # Topic to receive node UUID
move_base_action: move_base # Topic to send the robot to somewhere
roslaunch turtlebot_compute_cost compute_cost.launch