95 commits
to master
since this release
hese are statically linked binaries for linux created using the script create_release.sh.
Everything was compiled within Ubuntu 18.04LTS in WSL, using gcc 8.3.0 and Cuda 10.1 Update 2.
These precompiled binaries require an avx2-capable CPU.
If you run into issues in running these binaries then please let me know.
Change log v1.2b:
CUDA compute capability targets fixed (5.0, 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5),
after local choice (7.5) was inadvertently committed to master.
Change log v1.2a:
Fixed release v1.2 still using dynamic boost libraries.
Change log v1.2:
Basic support for avx2 in md5birthdaysearch (compile time decision)
Automatic backtracking in script cpc.sh
Other enhancements to scripts cpc.sh and poc_no.sh