Store Management
It’s now possible for discounts to explicitly require a coupon code. (#3132 )
New order addresses now default to the store’s country on Order Edit screens. (#3306 )
Product conditions can now have a “Variant Search” rule. (#3689 )
Added craft\commerce\console\controllers\UpgradeController::$v3droppableColumns
Added craft\commerce\console\controllers\UpgradeController::EVENT_BEFORE_DROP_V3_DATABASE_ENTITIES
Added craft\commerce\elements\conditions\products\ProductVariantSearchConditionRule
Added craft\commerce\events\UpgradeEvent
Added craft\commerce\models\Discount::$requireCouponCode
Improved the performance of adding items to the cart.
Improved the performance of shipping rule matching when an order condition formula is used. (3653 )
Craft Commerce now requires Money PHP 4.2 or later.
Fixed a bug where outstanding order balances could be calculated incorrectly. (#3403 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.