Before starting i would like to thanks:
-nobody told me | -> Gave me the exe & a license which i didn't even used
Well, i wanted to buy the program, but the seller scammed me for 10$ (lmao)
and then i contacted kata#, in first goal to pay his shit program, but also to help him protect his program, which i usually do.
he's shown disrespectful to me, so i decided to leak.
Well, I'm not a c# expert but i can tell you that shit is fully pasted lmao, the code is trash as the protection
So, How did i do ?
I analyzed the authentication, just like the v1 leak, and saw most of string were obfuscated & unobfuscated at runtime (which is logic)
So i took a online api testing tool to test his api. Was returning a 404 error when using a bad token.
That could seem stupid to you, but a 404 on a rest api isn't common AT ALL.
With me knowing that, the last step was just to deobfuscate string, which i did with de4dot.
Now the file can be open in ida.
hehe wrong string to have!
lets just walk through the string to see how it work. So...
the "fail func"
Just xref to the location to see why it call it.
So, if it is bfalse mean it fail.
Lets see how we can change that.
So with a simple google search we can find this :
Which is just all IL Instructions with their hex values;
Now we use ida to make a "mini signature" of the function calling thing (IsSuccessStatusCode())
The last step is just to hex modify every signature found in the file by the new opcode
so 6F C3 00 00 0A 2C -> 6F C3 00 00 0A 2D
just run the modified exe file & enter a shit ass license
Completed in 20minutes.