Example code for provisioning a server in 5' with Puppet in standalone
mode so that you can install a Rails app with your standard Capistrano
workflow. This sets up a deploy
user with proper authorized keys, ntp
configuration, rbenv, Ruby 1.9.3, Passenger 3.x, and Apache + vhost on
port 80.
Here are the commands you would have to launch if you wanted to install the app after having done the setup that will be described in the next sections:
git clone https://github.com/crohr/who-said-puppet-was-hard
cd who-said-puppet-was-hard
bundle install --binstubs
./bin/librarian-puppet install
REMOTE_USER=ubuntu HOSTS=server.com ./bin/cap provision
HOSTS=server.com ./bin/cap deploy:setup deploy
rails new who-said-puppet-was-hard -T --skip-bundle
cd who-said-puppet-was-hard/
echo 'gem "librarian-puppet", "0.9.3", :group => :development' >> Gemfile
echo 'gem "capistrano", :group => :development' >> Gemfile
bundle install --binstubs
./bin/capify .
./bin/librarian-puppet init
See Puppetfile
Then install the modules with:
./bin/librarian-puppet install
See config/site.pp
Add this at the end of your config/deploy.rb
set :puppet_dir, "/tmp/puppet"
set :puppet_cmd, "/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/puppet"
desc "Install and configure the puppet recipes on a remote machine."
task :provision do
system "rm -f modules.tar.gz && tar czf modules.tar.gz modules"
run "rm -rf #{puppet_dir} && mkdir -p #{puppet_dir}"
upload "modules.tar.gz", puppet_dir, :force => true, :via => :scp
upload "./config/site.pp", puppet_dir, :force => true, :via => :scp
run "cd #{puppet_dir} && tar xzf modules.tar.gz && \
#{sudo} apt-get update && #{sudo} apt-get install ruby1.8 rubygems1.8 libopenssl-ruby1.8 -y && \
( [ -f #{puppet_cmd} ] || #{sudo} gem install puppet --version 2.6.11 --no-ri --no-rdoc ) && \
#{sudo} #{puppet_cmd} #{puppet_dir}/site.pp --modulepath #{puppet_dir}/modules/"
Provision on a fresh instance (for example, use one of the Ubuntu Cloud images):
REMOTE_USER=ubuntu HOSTS=ec2-46-137-51-216.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com ./bin/cap provision
HOSTS=ec2-46-137-51-216.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com ./bin/cap deploy:setup deploy
$ curl ubuntu-ec2-instance-somewhere:80
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<h1>Who said Puppet was hard?</h1>