Terraform templates to create and manage CSD Notes infrastructure.
Install on OSX with:
$ brew install terraform
AWS account credentials
Place in
:[default] aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_KEY
The infra.sh
script will take care of the manual steps below. It assumes
the following filesystem layout, where CSD Notes Config is checked out
alongside this repo:
./ ./csd-notes-infrastructure ./csd-notes-config
To create or update an environment:
$ ./infra.sh apply $ENV_NAME
To delete an environment:
$ ./infra.sh destroy $ENV_NAME
The above commands will use database username and password from a matching
file in the CSD Notes Config repo, if present. If not
present, envs/default.env will be used.
Variables that are not environment-specific are stored in terraform.tfvars
Secrets are stored in terraform.tfvars
, encrypted with GPG and managed with BlackBox. Ask an admin to add your GPG key so you can decrypt.
Env-specific state files are used to keep environments separate. Terraform's remote state storage is used to store Terraform state in Amazon S3, keeping environments in sync between different uses and users.
Decrypt secrets:
$ blackbox_edit_start terraform.tfvars
or to decrypt all BlackBox-managed files:
$ blackbox_postdeploy
Define env:
$ export ENV=dev # or ENV=test, ENV=production, etc.
Configure remote storage:
$ terraform remote config -backend=s3 -backend-config="bucket=csd-notes-terraform" \ -backend-config="key=${ENV}.tfstate" -backend-config="region=eu-west-1"
Sync local state with remote:
$ terraform remote pull
To see changes to be made (if any):
$ terraform plan -var "rds_username=${DB_USER}" \ -var "rds_password=${DB_PASSWORD}" \ -var "environment=${ENV}" -var "domain_prefix=${ENV}"
To create or update an environment:
$ terraform apply -var "rds_username=${DB_USER}" -var "rds_password=${DB_PASSWORD}" \ -var "environment=${ENV}" -var "domain_prefix=${ENV}"
To delete an environment:
$ terraform destroy -var "rds_username=${DB_USER}" \ -var "rds_password=${DB_PASSWORD}" \ -var "environment=${ENV}" -var "domain_prefix=${ENV}"
Variables above are required, and will generally taken from the relevant .env
file in the CSD Notes Config repo.