'zypprepo' - The client-side description of a zypper repository.
Version 3.1.0 introduced a rewrite of the zypprepo type and added a full functional provider based on puppetlabs-yumrepo_core
. The type is now ensurable. To keep previous behavior, it defaults to present, which makes the ensure parameter optional
zypprepo { 'openSUSE_12.1':
ensure => present,
baseurl => 'http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/suse/',
enabled => 1,
autorefresh => 1,
name => 'openSUSE_12.1',
gpgcheck => 1,
repo_gpgcheck => 1,
pkg_gpgcheck => 1,
priority => 98,
keeppackages => 1,
type => 'rpm-md',
Locks explicitly specified packages from updates. Package name must be precisely specified in format NAME-VERSION-RELEASE.ARCH
. Wild card in package name is allowed provided it does not span a field seperator.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you define a lock in code, all locks must be defined in code.
zypprepo::versionlock { 'bash-4.1.2-9.sles12.*': }
Use the following command to retrieve a properly-formated string:
rpm -q "$PACKAGE_NAME" --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}\n'
This Puppet 'type' is a port of the 'yumrepo' type from 2.7 code base and is licensed under the Apache-2.0.