This is set of files to support "Probability of Fit Failure with Reuse of N95 Respirators"
The file n95_report.R does most of the heavy lifting and caches the longer calculation results. It assumes it is run in the directory contain the data file "Final Pilot Data.csv" Required R packages are "magrittr", "dplyr", "interval", "cgam", "icenReg", "", "flexsurv" , "caret", "tableone", "bookdown", "PropCIs". The Dockerfile based on 3.6.3 has been verified to generate the results and report.
The file n95_report.Rmd is an rmarkdown file that generates the web appendix supplementary results. It looks for the cached results from n95_report.R and runs it if not present. It is designed to be invoked with R -e 'rmarkdown::render("n95_report.Rmd") ' It depends on a markdown and LaTeX install with lmodern, pandoc-citeproc