This is a program made to run tetris, it uses OpenGL and is programmed for linux.
It is written entirely in C++, which was not nearly as fun as i expected with openGL
The program has 3 major components, the engine, the AI and the options,
all the options are set via #define so i can optimise the code around the various options.
There are two main options
- Speed
This is how fast the program does movements, in slowmode it takes 4 moves to place a peice, each with a sleep of (0.03) seconds inbetween, this is very nice to view and light on the cpu too.
In fastmode it runs so fast (on my machine) it is hard to recognise as tetris, this is only here so you can enjoy the AIs full potential. - Goal
There are two goals the AI can preform- Regular
This just plays tetris and plays it well, it has never lost
even after leaving it on max speed for a couple days - Image
Set base .txt to a file of spaces and lower case Os and it will play tetris in a way to make that image
there is an example there of a diamond shape, this is ment as a present for my morail.
- Regular