This repo contains my notes for EE 16B.
I compile the .tex files using pdftex, and embed graphics as .pdf.
The graphics are generated using IPE (, and the generated pdfs can be opened directly using IPE if you need to make any changes. DO NOT open / edit them in anything else, as that deletes the metadata that IPE needs to preserve layers and stuff.
There's also a gigantic header at the top of each file, but most of it can be safely removed. The commands that should be preserved are:
- The \d? and \diff commands, as I use them to avoid typing \mathrm when writing derivatives
- The \mat and \cat commands (sorry), as I use them to avoid writing \begin{bmatrix} \end{bmatrix} all the time
- The \eqn and \thus commands, as I use them to make my equations look more aligned
- The \eps command, as I think \varepsilon is too long to type
Hopefully these notes can be of some use!