Given a group of people wearing neurosky headsets, Seer sees who in the group is paying attention to their work.
Grayed-out names are busy (focusing), names in white are available (not focusing).
To test it out locally, first run the server application, then run the client application.
The client/server framework this is built on will allow you to build any multi-user BCI applicaton, and indeed sort of multi-user application in Processing.
Seer works with an arbitrary number of Neurosky headsets. It connects over a LAN or over the Internet.
For details on the focus detector, check its repo here.
Open & run server.pde
In client.pde, set
String server_ip = "";
to the server's IP. if you're just testing this locally (i.e. on the same computer), set server_ip to
- In client.pde, take a look at this line:
String com_port = "/dev/tty.MindWave";
S This is the default com port for the Neurosky MindWave on Mac or Linux. A different Neurosky model may have a different ending from .MindWave. On Windows, the path will be different - consult Google for com port path names in Windows.