The materials used for producing the video announcements.
The YouTube channel we are using for announcements is unlisted, please do not post a link to it or its streaming key in this repository!
There are two software components that are needed to produce the live videos.
- Inkscape - This is a general drawing program, we will be using it for creating graphics that will be displayed in the video, or overlaid on live video. Video covering some of the basics to use this.
- Open Broadcast Software - This is use for controlling the scene, encoding the video, and uploading it to youtube. Video covering some of the basics to use this.
###Additional software
- avidemux - This is a simple program for editing offline video. I.E. if there is pre-recorded video that will be played during a live stream, but it needs to be edited first.
- Blender - This is primairly for creating 3-D models, but since these are often used in video, it has a built in video editor.
- Audacity - This is an audio editor, if there is ever stand-alone audio that needs to be edited.
- Gimp - Professional photo editor, replaces Adobe Photoshop.
- FFMpeg - Is an amaing encoder, capable of handling nearly any format under the sun. By default it is command line only, but there are windows GUI programs, like AVANTI that can make it a little easier.
For details on using several of these tools, and more on multimedia in general, see the text for the course I taught: Introduction to Multimedia.
Because videos will be streamed through YouTube, it is important that all content we put into the video respects the author's copyright (this is especially important as YouTube has automatic recognition software that can take down our stream if it detects it). For any video that we are creating, we own the copyright and there is no issue. However for any pieces that we add in: external videos, graphics, audio, etc we need to be sure that we have a license to use it.
The way to ensure that we have a license is to be careful about the source of the media. In general any media we use should have a "Creative Commons" license or be under the public domain. There are many sources of this media on the internet, including:
OpenClipArt - This has lots of graphics that can be imported into Inkscape.
ccMixter - Music for mixing in to other media (like videos).
PodSafeAudio - Audio designed to be used in podcasts, but could be useful for video as well.
Free Music Archive - Lots of good free music, sometimes under creative commons licenses.
Flickr Creative Commons - Photos from flickr that have creative commons licenses.
PEXELS Video - Videos under the Creative Commons "Zero" license. Clips for use in other videos.
Vimeo Creative Commons - Videos from Vimeo that have creative commons licenses.
YouTube - YouTube has many creative commons licensed videos, but there isn't an easy way to list them. Instead do a search for something, then select the filters and under the features section select "Creative Commons" then your results will all be creative commons licensed.
Wikimedia Commons - 36 Million files (audio, video, photos, graphics) under creative commons or public domain licenses.
Creative Commons List - A list of places you can get creative commons music for use in videos.