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ivartb edited this page May 26, 2023 · 25 revisions

Welcome to MetaFX wiki page!

MetaFX (METAgenomic Feature eXtraction) is an open-source library for feature extraction from whole-genome metagenome sequencing data and classification of groups of samples.

The idea behind MetaFX is to introduce the feature extraction algorithm specific for metagenomics short reads data. It is capable of processing hundreds of samples 1-10 Gb each. The distinct property of suggest approach is the construction of meaningful features, which can not only be used to train classification model, but also can be further annotated and biologically interpreted.



To run MetaFX, one need to clone repo with all binaries.

git clone
cd metafx

Then add MetaFX binary directory to path.

export PATH=/path/to/metafx/bin:$PATH

For permanent use, add the above line to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file.


  • JRE 1.8 or higher
  • python3
  • python libraries listed in requirements.txt file. Can be installed using pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • coreutils required for macOS (e.g. brew install coreutils)
  • If you want to use metafx metaspades pipeline, you will also need SPAdes software. Please follow their installation instructions (not recommended for first-time use).

Scripts have been tested under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, macOS 11 Big Sur, and macOS 12 Monterey, and should generally work on Linux/macOS.

Running instructions

To run MetaFX use the following syntax:

metafx <pipeline> [<Launch options>] [<Input parameters>]

To view the list of supported pipelines run metafx -h or metafx --help.

To view help for launch options and input parameters for selected pipeline run metafx <pipeline> -h or metafx <pipeline> --help.

MetaFX supports both single-end and paired-end input files. For correct detection of paired-end reads, files should be named with suffixes "_R1"&"_R2" or "_r1"&"_r2" after sample name before extension. For example, sample_r1.fastq&sample_r2.fastq, or reads_R1.fq.gz&reads_R2.fq.gz.

By running MetaFX a working directory is created (by default ./workDir/). All intermediate files and final results are saved there.

MetaFX modules

MetaFX is a toolbox with a lot of modules divided into three groups:


Unsupervised feature extraction pipelines

There are pipelines aimed to extract features from metagenomic dataset without any prior knowledge about samples and their relations. Algorithms perform (pseudo-)assembly of samples separately and construct the de Bruijn graph common for all samples. Further, graph components are extracted as features and feature table is constructed.

metafx metafast

Performs unsupervised feature extraction and distance estimation via MetaFast (

metafx metafast -t 2 -m 2G -w wd_metafast -k 21 -i test_data/test*.fastq.gz -b1 100 -b2 500

Input parameters

parameter description
-t, --threads <int> number of threads to use [default: all]
-m, --memory <MEM> memory to use (values with suffix: 1500M, 4G, etc.) [default: 90% of free RAM]
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-k, --k <int> k-mer size (in nucleotides, maximum value is 31) [mandatory]
-i, --reads <filenames> list of reads files from single environment. FASTQ, FASTA, gzip- or bzip2-compressed [mandatory]
-b, --bad-frequency <int> maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous [default: 1]
-l, --min-seq-len <int> minimal sequence length to be added to a component (in nucleotides) [default: 100]
-b1, --min-comp-size <int> minimum size of extracted components (features) in k-mers [default: 1000]
-b2, --max-comp-size <int> maximum size of extracted components (features) in k-mers [default: 10000]
--kmers-dir <dirname> directory with pre-computed k-mers for samples in binary format [optional]

Output files

For backward compatibility with supervised feature extraction, every sample belongs to category all.

file description
wd_metafast/categories_samples.tsv tab-separated file with 3 columns: <category>\t<present_samples>\t<absent_samples>
wd_metafast/samples_categories.tsv tab-separated file with 2 columns: <sample_name>\t<category>
wd_metafast/feature_table.tsv tab-separated numeric features file: rows – features, columns – samples
wd_metafast/contigs_all/seq-builder-many/sequences/component.seq.fasta contigs in FASTA format as features (suitable for annotation and biological interpretation)
wd_metafast/matrices/dist_matrix_<DATE_TIME>.txt Distance matrix between every pair of samples built over feature table using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
wd_metafast/matrices/dist_matrix_<DATE_TIME>_heatmap.png Heatmap and dendrogram of samples based on distance matrix

Example of the resulting heatmap with dendrogram:


metafx metaspades

Performs unsupervised feature extraction and distance estimation via metaSpades (

metafx metaspades -t 2 -m 4G -w wd_metaspades -k 21 -i test_data/test_*.fastq.gz -b1 500 -b2 5000

Input parameters

parameter description
-t, --threads <int> number of threads to use [default: all]
-m, --memory <MEM> memory to use (values with suffix: 1500M, 4G, etc.) [default: 90% of free RAM]
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-k, --k <int> k-mer size (in nucleotides, maximum value is 31) [mandatory]
-i, --reads <filenames> list of PAIRED-END reads files from single environment. FASTQ, FASTA, gzip-compressed [mandatory]
--separate if TRUE use every spades contig as a separate feature (-l, -b1, -b2 ignored) [default: False]
-l, --min-seq-len <int> minimal sequence length to be added to a component (in nucleotides) [default: 100]
-b1, --min-comp-size <int> minimum size of extracted components (features) in k-mers [default: 1000]
-b2, --max-comp-size <int> maximum size of extracted components (features) in k-mers [default: 10000]
--kmers-dir <dirname> directory with pre-computed k-mers for samples in binary format [optional]

Output files

For backward compatibility with supervised feature extraction, every sample belongs to category all.

file description
wd_metaspades/categories_samples.tsv tab-separated file with 3 columns: <category>\t<present_samples>\t<absent_samples>
wd_metaspades/samples_categories.tsv tab-separated file with 2 columns: <sample_name>\t<category>
wd_metaspades/feature_table.tsv tab-separated numeric features file: rows – features, columns – samples
wd_metaspades/contigs_all/seq-builder-many/sequences/component.seq.fasta contigs in FASTA format as features (suitable for annotation and biological interpretation)
wd_metaspades/matrices/dist_matrix_<DATE_TIME>*.txt Distance matrix between every pair of samples built over feature table using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
wd_metaspades/matrices/dist_matrix_<DATE_TIME>*_heatmap.png Heatmap and dendrogram of samples based on distance matrix

Example of the resulting heatmap with dendrogram:


Supervised feature extraction pipelines

There are pipelines aimed to extract group-relevant features based on metadata about samples such as diagnosis, treatment, biochemical results, etc. Dataset is split into groups of samples based on provided metadata information and group-specific features are constructed based on de Bruijn graphs. The resulting features are combined into feature table.

metafx unique

Performs supervised feature extraction using group-specific k-mers. K-mer is considered to be group-specific if it is present in at least G samples of certain group and absent in all other samples.

metafx unique -t 2 -m 4G -w wd_unique -k 21 -i test_data/sample_list_train.txt

Input parameters

parameter description
-t, --threads <int> number of threads to use [default: all]
-m, --memory <MEM> memory to use (values with suffix: 1500M, 4G, etc.) [default: 90% of free RAM]
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-k, --k <int> k-mer size (in nucleotides, maximum value is 31) [mandatory]
-i, --reads <filename> tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <path_to_file>\t<category> [mandatory]
-b, --bad-frequency <int> maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous [default: 1]
--min-samples <int> k-mer is considered group-specific if present in at least G samples of that group. G iterates in range [--min-samples; --max-samples] [default: 2]
--max-samples <int> k-mer is considered group-specific if present in at least G samples of that group. G iterates in range [--min-samples; --max-samples] [default: #{samples in category}/2 + 1]
--kmers-dir <dirname> directory with pre-computed k-mers for samples in binary format [optional]

Output files

file description
wd_unique/categories_samples.tsv tab-separated file with 3 columns: <category>\t<present_samples>\t<absent_samples>
wd_unique/samples_categories.tsv tab-separated file with 2 columns: <sample_name>\t<category>
wd_unique/feature_table.tsv tab-separated numeric features file: rows – features, columns – samples
wd_unique/contigs_<category>/seq-builder-many/sequences/component.seq.fasta contigs in FASTA format as features (suitable for annotation and biological interpretation)

metafx stats

Performs supervised feature extraction using statistically significant k-mers. K-mer significance for a certain group is determined in two steps. Firstly, Pearson's chi-squared test for homogeneity filters out k-mers, which have the same distribution between categories. Secondly, for each pair of categories Mann–Whitney U test is applied to select k-mers with different occurrences between categories.

metafx stats -t 2 -m 4G -w wd_stats -k 21 -i test_data/sample_list.txt --pchi2 0.05 --pmw 0.05

Input parameters

parameter description
-t, --threads <int> number of threads to use [default: all]
-m, --memory <MEM> memory to use (values with suffix: 1500M, 4G, etc.) [default: 90% of free RAM]
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-k, --k <int> k-mer size (in nucleotides, maximum value is 31) [mandatory]
-i, --reads <filename> tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <path_to_file>\t<category> [mandatory]
-b, --bad-frequency <int> maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous [default: 1]
--pchi2 <float> p-value for chi-squared test [default: 0.05]
--pmw <float> p-value for Mann–Whitney test [default: 0.05]
--kmers-dir <dirname> directory with pre-computed k-mers for samples in binary format [optional]

Output files

file description
wd_stats/categories_samples.tsv tab-separated file with 3 columns: <category>\t<present_samples>\t<absent_samples>
wd_stats/samples_categories.tsv tab-separated file with 2 columns: <sample_name>\t<category>
wd_stats/feature_table.tsv tab-separated numeric features file: rows – features, columns – samples
wd_stats/contigs_<category>/seq-builder-many/sequences/component.seq.fasta contigs in FASTA format as features (suitable for annotation and biological interpretation)

metafx colored

Performs supervised feature extraction using group-colored de Bruijn graph. All k-mers are colored based on their relative occurrences in categories and further de Bruijn graph is split into colored components.

Important! This module supports up to 3 categories of samples. If you have more, consider using other MetaFX modules.

metafx colored -t 2 -m 4G -w wd_colored -k 21 -i test_data/sample_list_3.txt --linear --n-comps 100 --perc 0.8

Input parameters

parameter description
-t, --threads <int> number of threads to use [default: all]
-m, --memory <MEM> memory to use (values with suffix: 1500M, 4G, etc.) [default: 90% of free RAM]
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-k, --k <int> k-mer size (in nucleotides, maximum value is 31) [mandatory]
-i, --reads <filename> tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <path_to_file>\t<category> [mandatory]
-b, --bad-frequency <int> maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous [default: 1]
--total-coverage if TRUE count k-mers occurrences in colored graph as total coverage in samples, otherwise as number of samples [default: False]
--separate if TRUE use only color-specific k-mers in components (does not work in --linear mode) [default: False]
--linear if TRUE extract only linear components choosing the best path on each graph fork [default: False]
--n-comps <int> select not more than <int> components for each category [default: -1, means all components]
--perc <float> relative abundance of k-mer in category to be considered color-specific [default: 0.9]
--kmers-dir <dirname> directory with pre-computed k-mers for samples in binary format [optional]

Output files

file description
wd_colored/categories_samples.tsv tab-separated file with 3 columns: <category>\t<present_samples>\t<absent_samples>
wd_colored/samples_categories.tsv tab-separated file with 2 columns: <sample_name>\t<category>
wd_colored/feature_table.tsv tab-separated numeric features file: rows – features, columns – samples
wd_colored/contigs_<category>/seq-builder-many/sequences/component.seq.fasta contigs in FASTA format as features (suitable for annotation and biological interpretation)

Methods for classification and interpretation

There are pipelines for analysis of the feature extraction results. Methods for samples similarity visualisation and training machine learning models are implemented. Classification models can be trained to predict samples' properties based on extracted features and to efficiently process new samples from the same environment.

Results of one of feature extraction MetaFX modules are required for further analysis

metafx pca

Performs PCA dimensionality reduction and visualisation of samples based on extracted features.

metafx pca -w wd_pca -f wd_stats/feature_table.tsv -i wd_stats/samples_categories.tsv --show

Input parameters

parameter description
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-f, --feature-table <filename> file with feature table in tsv format: rows – features, columns – samples ("workDir/feature_table.tsv" can be used) [mandatory]
-i, --metadata-file <filename> tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <sample>\t<category> ("workDir/samples_categories.tsv" can be used) [optional, default: None]
--name <filename> name of output image in workDir [optional, default: pca]
--show if TRUE print samples' names on plot [optional, default: False]

Output files

file description
wd_pca/pca.png plot of 2-dimensional PCA in png format
wd_pca/pca.svg plot of 2-dimensional PCA in svg format

Example of the resulting PCA plot:


metafx fit

Executes Random Forest machine learning algorithm to train classification model based on extracted features.

metafx fit -w wd_fit -f wd_unique/feature_table.tsv -i wd_unique/samples_categories.tsv

Input parameters

parameter description
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-f, --feature-table <filename> file with feature table in tsv format: rows – features, columns – samples ("workDir/feature_table.tsv" can be used) [mandatory]
-i, --metadata-file <filename> tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <sample>\t<category> ("workDir/samples_categories.tsv" can be used) [optional, default: None]
--name <filename> name of output trained model in workDir [optional, default: rf_model]

Output files

file description
wd_fit/rf_model.joblib binary file with pre-trained classification model suitable for metafx predict module or further analysis

metafx calc_features

This module processes new samples and counts feature values based on previously extracted features. It can be used in the following case. A dataset with known samples categories have been processed, i.e. features were extracted and classification model was trained via fit or cv method. Further new samples with unknown categories are needed to be studied. Samples should be preprocessed with current calc_features method to get feature table, which can be used in predict module.

metafx calc_features -t 2 -m 4G -w wd_calc_features -k 21 -d wd_unique \
        -i test_data/test_A_R1.fastq.gz test_data/test_A_R2.fastq.gz \
           test_data/test_B_R1.fastq.gz test_data/test_B_R2.fastq.gz \
           test_data/test_C_R1.fastq.gz test_data/test_C_R2.fastq.gz 

Input parameters

parameter description
-t, --threads <int> number of threads to use [default: all]
-m, --memory <MEM> memory to use (values with suffix: 1500M, 4G, etc.) [default: 90% of free RAM]
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-k, --k <int> k-mer size (in nucleotides, maximum value is 31) [mandatory]
-i, --reads <filenames> list of reads files from single environment. FASTQ, FASTA, gzip- or bzip2-compressed [mandatory]
-d, --feature-dir <dirname> directory containing folders with components.bin file for each category and categories_samples.tsv file. Usually, it is workDir/ from other MetaFX modules (unique, stats, colored, metafast, metaspades) [mandatory]
-b, --bad-frequency <int> maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous [default: 1]
--kmers-dir <dirname> directory with pre-computed k-mers for samples in binary format [optional]

Output files

file description
wd_calc_features/feature_table.tsv tab-separated numeric features file: rows – features, columns – samples

metafx predict

Executes Random Forest machine learning method to classify new samples based on pre-trained model. Generally, --feature-table is obtained via MetaFX calc_features module and --model via MetaFX fit or cv module.

metafx predict -w wd_predict -f wd_calc_features/feature_table.tsv --model wd_fit/rf_model.joblib

Input parameters

parameter description
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-f, --feature-table <filename> file with feature table in tsv format: rows – features, columns – samples ("workDir/feature_table.tsv" can be used) [mandatory]
--model <filename> file with pre-trained classification model, obtained via fit or cv module ("workDir/rf_model.joblib" can be used) [mandatory]
-i, --metadata-file <filename> tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <sample>\t<category> to check accuracy of predictions [optional, default: None]
--name <filename> name of output file with samples predicted labels in workDir [optional, default: predictions]

Output files

file description
wd_predict/predictions.tsv tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <sample name>\t<predicted category>

Example of the resulting file:

$ cat wd_predict/predictions.tsv
test_A  A
test_C  C
test_B  B

As expected, all samples' categories were correctly predicted consistent with the file names.

metafx cv

Executes Random Forest machine learning algorithm to train classification model based on extracted features and check accuracy via cross-validation. Optionally, it can perform grid search of optimal parameters for classification model based on cross-validation.

metafx cv -t 2 -w wd_cv -f wd_stats/feature_table.tsv -i wd_stats/samples_categories.tsv -n 2 --grid

Input parameters

parameter description
-t, --threads <int> number of threads to use [default: 1]
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-f, --feature-table <filename> file with feature table in tsv format: rows – features, columns – samples ("workDir/feature_table.tsv" can be used) [mandatory]
-i, --metadata-file <filename> tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <sample>\t<category> ("workDir/samples_categories.tsv" can be used) [optional, default: None]
-n, --n-splits <int> number of folds in cross-validation, must be at least 2 [optional, default: 5]
--name <filename> name of output trained model in workDir [optional, default: rf_model_cv]
--grid if TRUE, perform grid search of optimal parameters for classification model [optional, default: False]

Output files

file description
wd_cv/rf_model_cv.joblib binary file with pre-trained classification model suitable for metafx predict module or further analysis

metafx fit_predict

Executes Random Forest machine learning algorithm to train classification model based on extracted features and immediately apply it to classify new samples. It can be used in case when all samples are available at the beginning of the study, but only a part of them is labeled. And the goal is to classify the rest samples. In that case --feature-table contains all samples, but --metadata-file contains information only about part of samples.

To model such a situation, we will use wd_colored/feature_table.tsv with 12 samples. Also, we need to create special test_labels.tsv file with only 6 samples labeled.

$ echo -e "1\tA\n11\tA\n2\tB\n22\tB\n3\tC\n33\tC" > test_labels.tsv
$ cat test_labels.tsv 
1	A
11	A
2	B
22	B
3	C
33	C
metafx fit_predict -w wd_fit_predict -f wd_colored/feature_table.tsv -i test_labels.tsv

Input parameters

parameter description
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-f, --feature-table <filename> file with feature table in tsv format: rows – features, columns – samples ("workDir/feature_table.tsv" can be used) [mandatory]
-i, --metadata-file <filename> tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <sample>\t<category> ("workDir/samples_categories.tsv" can be used) [optional, default: None]
--name <filename> name of output trained model in workDir [optional, default: model]

Output files

file description
wd_fit_predict/model.joblib binary file with pre-trained classification model suitable for metafx predict module or further analysis
wd_fit_predict/model.tsv tab-separated file with 2 values in each row: <sample name>\t<predicted category>

Example of the resulting file:

$ cat wd_fit_predict/model.tsv
111 	A
1111	A
222 	B
333 	C
3333	C
33333	C

As expected, all samples' categories were correctly predicted (true labels can be found in wd_colored/samples_categories.tsv).

Helpful utilities

There are modules to help to manipulate with data files and speed up MetaFX data processing.

metafx extract_kmers

This module processes reads files and extract k-mers for each sample separately. It can reduce running time and RAM usage of other MetaFX modules, if the directory with extracted k-mers provided to other modules with --kmers-dir parameter.

metafx extract_kmers -t 2 -m 4G -w wd_extract_kmers -k 21 \
        -i test_data/test_A_R1.fastq.gz test_data/test_A_R2.fastq.gz \
           test_data/test_B_R1.fastq.gz test_data/test_B_R2.fastq.gz \
           test_data/test_C_R1.fastq.gz test_data/test_C_R2.fastq.gz

Input parameters

parameter description
-t, --threads <int> number of threads to use [default: all]
-m, --memory <MEM> memory to use (values with suffix: 1500M, 4G, etc.) [default: 90% of free RAM]
-w, --work-dir <dirname> working directory [default: workDir/]
-k, --k <int> k-mer size (in nucleotides, maximum value is 31) [mandatory]
-i, --reads <filenames> list of reads files from single environment. FASTQ, FASTA, gzip- or bzip2-compressed [mandatory]
-b, --bad-frequency <int> maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous [default: 1]

Output files

file description
wd_extract_kmers/kmers/ directory with k-mers in binary format for each sample
wd_extract_kmers/stats/ directory with k-mers statistics for each sample


Minimal example is provided in the README page.

More sophisticated example is presented at MetaFX tutorial page with links to input and output data, all commands and commentaries.