The cui-core-ui-model library provides a comprehensive set of framework-agnostic UI model components designed for building robust and maintainable user interface applications. It offers core functionality that can be used independently of JSF or any other web framework.
Type-safe wrapper for operation results (
) -
Standardized error codes and states
Comprehensive error detail support
Builder pattern for fluent API usage
Integration with message bundles
Consistent handling of display names
Internationalization support
Message formatting capabilities
Type-safe message parameter handling
Standardized service state management
Optional-based service access
Thread-safe operations
Error handling patterns
// Create a result with the builder pattern
ResultObject<User> result = ResultObject.builder()
// Handle different result states
if (result.isValid()) {
User user = result.getResult();
// Process valid result
} else {
result.getResultDetail().ifPresent(detail ->
// Handle error with appropriate UI feedback
Framework Independence: Components work without specific UI frameworks
Type Safety: Strong typing to catch errors at compile time
Immutability: Thread-safe and side-effect free operations
Builder Pattern: Fluent APIs for object construction
Consistent Error Handling: Standardized approach to error management
: Result handling framework -
: Display name and message handling -
: Service integration patterns -
: Application lifecycle support
: Type-safe wrapper for operation results -
: Localized message handling -
: Null-safe service access -
: Application lifecycle management
For detailed documentation, please refer to:
JavaDoc documentation in the source code
Unit tests demonstrating usage patterns