Name | Type | Description | Notes |
action_sheet_buttons | \CureDAO\Client\Models\Button[] | [optional] | |
avatar | string | Smaller square image | [optional] |
avatar_circular | string | Smaller circular image | [optional] |
background_color | string | Ex: #f2f2f2 | [optional] |
buttons | \CureDAO\Client\Models\Button[] | [optional] | |
buttons_secondary | \CureDAO\Client\Models\Button[] | [optional] | |
content | string | Ex: Content | [optional] |
header_title | string | Ex: Title | [optional] |
html | string | HTML for the entire card. | [optional] |
html_content | string | Ex: <div>Content</div> | [optional] |
id | string | HTML element id | |
image | string | Larger image of variable dimensions | [optional] |
input_fields | \CureDAO\Client\Models\InputField[] | [optional] | |
ion_icon | string | Ex: ion-refresh | [optional] |
link | string | A link to a web page or something. Not much more to say about that. | [optional] |
parameters | object | Key value pairs derived from user input fields, button clicks, or preset defaults | [optional] |
related_cards | \CureDAO\Client\Models\Card[] | [optional] | |
selected_button | \CureDAO\Client\Models\Button | Button that the user clicked and the provided function parameters | [optional] |
sharing_body | string | Ex: sharingBody | [optional] |
sharing_buttons | \CureDAO\Client\Models\Button[] | [optional] | |
sharing_title | string | Ex: sharingTitle | [optional] |
sub_header | string | Ex: subTitle | [optional] |
sub_title | string | Ex: subTitle | [optional] |
title | string | Ex: Title | [optional] |
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