A responsive, proportional, nestable, customizable, and mobile-first approach for responsive web design.
- Flexible grid defined in percentages
- Flexible media that proportionally scale down when needed
- Media queries defined in ems
Proportional: create layouts using proportions (1/2, 2/3, 1/4, etc.), not predefined non-semantic classes or a rigid column grid.
Nestable - Easily create complex layouts.
Customizable - Don't like something? Change it. Define your own proportions, breakpoints, and everything else.
Mobile-first - The small screen experience is the baseline, with additional styles added using media queries.
Have the following requirements installed: Node, NPM, Bower, and the Grunt CLI
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/curtisj44/FRWD.git
npm install
bower install
grunt serve
orgrunt serve
→ runs the development site using the “app” foldergrunt serve:dist
→ runs the production-ready site using the “dist” foldergrunt build
→ builds the production-ready site into the “dist” folder
FRWD is set up to generate a style guide / pattern library using kss-node.