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Jupyter reveal

Presentation slides for Jupyter notebooks.

Contributors License Pyup


We spent too much time designing our presentation slides using PowerPoint or Keynote. Then we needed additional tools for syntax highlighting. Since we were already working a lot with Jupyter notebooks, it was obvious to use them to create the slides as well.


Write Markdown
In Jupyter notebooks we can use Markdown Cells.
Built-in syntax highlighting

You get the appropriate syntax highlighting, e.g. for Python with

s = "Syntax Highlighting for Python"
Support for mathematical operators and symbols

Mathematical operators and symbols are supported with MathJax. You can use them in Markdown and code cells. So, e.g. $\sqrt{k}$ becomes mathematical operators and symbols and

from IPython.display import Math
Math(r'F(k) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) e^{2\pi i k} dx')



However, you can also use other latex modes, e.g. eqnarray in

from IPython.display import Latex
\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{B}} -\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{E}}}{\partial t} & = \frac{4\pi}{c}\vec{\mathbf{j}} \\


You can use the reveal themes or create your own.
PDF export
The slides can be easily converted to PDFs.


  1. Download and unpack:

    $ curl -O
    $ unzip main
    Archive:  main
       creating: slides-main/
  2. Create environment

    $ cd slides-main
    $ python3 -m venv .
    $ . bin/activate
  3. Install Python packages:

    $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ jupyter nbextension enable highlighter/highlighter
    Enabling notebook extension highlighter/highlighter...
          - Validating: OK
  4. Install the Jupyter Notebook Extensions Javascript and CSS files:

    $ jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
    jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
    Installing jupyter_contrib_nbextensions nbextension files to jupyter data directory
    Successfully installed jupyter-contrib-core-0.3.3 jupyter-contrib-nbextensions-0.5.1
    jupyter-highlight-selected-word-0.2.0 jupyter-latex-envs-1.4.6
    $ jupyter nbextension enable latex_envs --user --py
    Enabling notebook extension latex_envs/latex_envs...
          - Validating: OK
  5. Start the Jupyter notebook:

    $  jupyter notebook
  6. Turn notebooks into slides with :menuselection:`View --> Cell Toolbar --> Slideshow`

  7. Create slides with :menuselection:`File --> Download as --> Reveal.js slides (.slides.html)`


    $ jupyter nbconvert my-slides.ipynb --to slides --post serve
  8. Fix link to cusy styles

    In the generated .html file you have to insert the link to the CSS file before the body tag:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/theme/cusy.css" id="theme">
  9. Remove Jupyter styles

    The styles were swapped out to dist/theme/jupyter.css and then adapted for the Cusy style. Therefore you should delete the style instructions from about line 68–14379 in your HTML file.

  10. Create a PDF file:

    1. Open the .html file
    2. Add ?print-pdf to the URL.
    3. Print to PDF with background images.

Update styles

  1. Install Sass

    $ npm install
    added 860 packages, and audited 927 packages in 3m
    1 low severity vulnerability
    To address all issues, run:
      npm audit fix
    Run `npm audit` for details.
  2. Generate the CSS theme

    $ npm run build -- css-themes
    > [email protected] build
    > gulp "css-themes"
    [22:14:52] Using gulpfile ~/cusy/comm/slides/reveal.js/gulpfile.js
    [22:14:52] Starting 'css-themes'...
    [22:14:52] Finished 'css-themes' after 64 ms

    This generates the CSS file dist/theme/cusy.css.


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Contributors 3
