Repository for processed data and scripts used in the manuscript: Mass Spectrometry-based Profiling of Single-cell Histone Post-translational Modifications to Dissect Chromatin Heterogeneity
- Dele-Oni et al 2021 - DOI: 10.1038/s41597-021-01008-4. Global chromatin profiling assay level 3 processed Normalized and QC'ed Numerical Data (QCNORM) retrieved from: PanoramaWeb.
- Sidoli et al 2015 - DOIs: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00072, 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03009. Processed global chromatin profiling assay data taken from supplementary tables.
- Sample table with metadata for injections.
- Intensities
- Processed global chromatin profiling assay retention time and intensity values (MS1 and MS2 levels) for cell injections.*_hist_stand.csv
- Processed global chromatin profiling assay retention time and intensity values (MS1 and MS2 levels) for histone standard injections.*_prop_efficiency.csv
- Processed derivatization peptides retention time and intensity values (MS1 and MS2 levels).
- Script for calculating derivatization efficiency of single-cells from batches 1-5.
- Script for plotting peptidoform titration curves and calculating correlation coefficients of cell injections.
- Script for plotting peptidoform titration curves and calculating correlation coefficients of histone standard injections.
- Script for plotting quality control such as intensity distribution and background noise, filtering out low-quality peptidoforms and cells, peptide ratio normalization, batch correction, and data visualization.
- Used to process cells for benchmarking experiments from batches 1-3.
- Same as the
script but used for processing batches 1-5.
- Script for comparing pseudobulk single-cell data (batches 1-3) with 100-cell bulk or previous bulk histone studies.
- Script for calculating variation across histone standard technical replicates and technical replicates from previous bulk studies.
- Script for calculating cell-to-cell variation at the peptidoform level while accounting for technical variation (measured by histone standards) using single-cell data from batches 1-3.
- Script for calculating cell-to-cell variation at the peptidoform level, cell level, and performing hPTM covariance analysis using single-cell data from batches 1-5.
- Script for training a KNN classifier on labeled single-cell data and evaluating it on a test set.
- Re-trains the KNN classifier on all labeled single-cell data to classify unlabeled single-cell data (batches 1-5).
- Differential abundance analysis of bulk and single-cell data, including unlabeled "mixed" cells classified using a KNN classifier.
- Results visualized using volcano plots and heatmaps.
- Control and treatment groups further sub-clustered and visualized.
- Same differential abundance analysis as above but excludes unlabeled "mixed" cells.
- Includes correlation of results with the "with-mixed" analysis.
- Cytoscape analysis file and tables for control and treatment groups containing hPTM-hPTM correlation values and their significance (derived from
- Run files used with the cellenONE instrument for executing the sc-hPTM sample preparation method.
- Contains all functions used throughout scripts in the analysis pipeline.