Roles for installing and managing IBM Websphere Application Server (WAS) on *nix (tested on Debian Linux), including the IBM Installation Manager (IIM), IBM HTTP Server (IHS) and Plugin (PLG).
Installs the IBM Installation Manager.
On the OS setfacl and unzip must be installed.
- Debian: setfacl & zip
- CentOS: setfacl & unzip
The user with group {{iim_user}}:{iim_group}} must exist.
Sufficient rights for this user to create the {{iim_repo}}, {{iim_tmp}} and {{iim_path}} directories.
iim_user or ibm_user (iim_user: "{{ibm_user}}"): User as which to install IIM. required
iim_path or ibm_root (iim_path: "{{ibm_root}}/InstallationManager"): Path where to install IIM. required
ibm_repo: Location of the IBM repositories. default: "{{ibm_root}}/repo"
ibm_mode: Default directory mode. default: "0750"
iim_version: Minimal required version of IIM. default: "1.8"
iim_path: Path where to install IIM. default: "{{ibm_root}}/InstallationManager"
iim_repo: Repository containing the IIM installation files. default: "{{ibm_repo}}/IIM"
iim_tmp: Temporary directory where installtion zips are temporary put before unzipping. default: "{{ibm_root}}/tmp"
iim_group: Group of the iim_user. default: "{{iim_user}}"
iim_mode: Mode for the directories that are created. default: "{{ibm_mode}}"
iim_local_src: This will bypass all of the copying of the zip file to the managed node and just use a zip file on the managed node's filesystem. Use this if you copy the zip file yourself or mounted for instance an NFS with the installation zip files before.
See playbook-iim.yml for installing.
Installs or uninstalls the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
On the OS setfacl and unzip (Debian packages acl & zip) must be installed.
The user with group {{was_user}}:{was_group}} must exist.
Sufficient rights for this user to create the {{was_repo}}, {{iim_tmp}} and {{was_path}} directories.
was_user or ibm_user (was_user: "{{ibm_user}}"): User as which to install WAS (must also be the user IIM is installed with). required
was_path or ibm_root (was_path: "{{ibm_root}}/WebSphere". required
was_repo or ibm_repo (was_repo: "{{ibm_repo}}"). required
state: installed or *absent". default: installed
was_nd: false or true. default: false
ibm_repo: Location of the IBM repositories. default: "{{ibm_root}}/repo"
ibm_mode: Default directory mode. default: "0750"
was_version: Miniamal version required. default: "9.0"
was_imcl_package_name: Name of the WAS package as required by imcl of IIM
jdk_imcl_package_name: Name of the JDK package as required by imcl of IIM
was_imcl_package_regex: Regex that matches the WAS package name inlcuding version. default: "[0-9]+_([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)"
was_group: Group of the was_user. default: "{{was_user}}"
was_mode: Mode for the directories that are created. default: "{{ibm_mode}}"
was_local_src: This will bypass all of the copying of the WAS zip file to the managed node and just use a zip file on the manged node's filesystem. Use this if you copy the zip file yourself or mounted for instance an NFS with the installation zip files before.
jdk_local_src: This will bypass all of the copying of the SDK zip file to the managed node and just use a zip file on the manged node's filesystem. Use this if you copy the zip file yourself or mounted for instance an NFS with the installation zip files before.
See playbook-was.yml for installing.
See playbook-uninstall-was.yml for the uninstall.
Installs or uninstalls the IBM HTTP Server and Plugin.
On the OS setfacl and unzip (Debian packages acl & zip) must be installed.
The user with group {{ihs_user}}:{{ihs_group}} must exist.
Sufficient rights for this user to create the {{ihs_repo}}, {{plg_repo}}, {{iim_tmp}}, {{ihs_path}} and {{plg_path}} directories.
TODO: similar to WAS but with ihs_ and plg_
See playbook-ihs.yml for installing.
See playbook-uninstall-ihs.yml for the uninstall.