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Applications and files

cybergaukler edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 6 revisions

To try something different, the VRKSpace should not be cluttered with apps or programms like a normal desktop would. Therefore only one application should exist for everything the user would do to perform a certain task. For example instead of having whatsapp, facebook, skype and discord in seperate apps, VRKSpace should have one Communications-Assistant that manages all communications in one place. Similar to that goal, applications with a pretty similar or overlapping functionality like calendar and clock or image viewing and editing should be merged into one assistant.

So to try this out, there should be the following elements that make up the syestem


A bunch of functions to perform tasks of a certain nature like working on code, watching a movie, communicating and so on.

  • Representation: The assistant is represented by an icon that resides in the themes /icons-assistants folder as a 3D Object.
  • Behavior:
    • Desktop: The assistant icon can be placed anywhere on the desktop as a shortcut to start the assistant. If double tapped the desktop icon moves to the puck.
    • Structure: The assistant can have modules that also function like assistants. For example the configuration assistant can have a module grid to configure the grid.
    • Browsing: If the assistant is active on the puck it can be operated in one of two modes, switched by double tapping in front of the puck. One is browserMode in which the assistant displays ressources it can manage. The other is editMode. In editMode the application takes over the puck and uses the puck as interface (i.e. using left and right areas for fast forward/backward in the movie assistant.


Bundels up various resources. It functions much like a directory on a regular operating system with the exception that it can draw the resources from local, filebased directories ad well as online storage/ cloud devices and mix them together so all resources i.e. for a certain project are represented under one collection.

  • Representation: The assistant is represented by an icon that resides in the themes /icon-collection folder as a 3D object. For collections that incorporate the same kind of resources (i.e. a collection of images) it should be somewhat customizable by the user (i.e. choosing a color for the photo album and choosing one of the images for the front cover)
  • Behavior: The assistant icon can be placed anywhere on the desktop


Resources are the equivalent to a single document in a regular operating system. They usually have a type like image, movie, code-file or contact.

  • Representation: Each type of resource comes with its own 3D representation. Usually its assistant is represented by an icon that resides in the themes /icon folder
  • Behavior : The assistant icon can be placed anywhere on the desktop



Working in Teams

  • Contacts
  • Files

Ease of use

  • Hosting
  • Customization

Supported Devices



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