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cybergaukler edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the vrkspace wiki!

The vision:

  • To be able as a software developer to work from home in a virtual office instead of taking a 30+ minute drive in a self driving car.
  • To be more productive with almost limitless virtual screen space for code, cheat sheets, communications and output devices.
  • To still be able to collaborate and interact with coworkers as if in a real office
  • To expand into other professions beyond software developement that make people more productive working from a virtual desk rather then a physical one
  • To expand into a highly efficient environment for self learning, classroom learning and teaching in VR
  • To build a broad community by keeping the plattform open to contributors of various fields like web developers, 3D designers, educators and communicators

Virtual Desk vs Virtual Home / Holodeck

In contrast to Valve/ Facebook or Microsoft the goal of this project is not to create a virtual home but a virtual desk. The VRKSPACE is a small virtual working environment focus on productivity rather then exploring a virtual world. I don’t want to walk into another room of my virtual home to view if someone contacted me on discord and I dont want to pick up a file and flush it down a virtual toilet in my virtual bathroom of my virtual home just to delete it. The virtual desk is a seated or standing environment that tries to replace everyday workflow in a highly optimized manner. Its modular and networkable so you can put two or more desks together to get a virtual workspace for collaborating and teaching. To switch from desk to explore mode it should be possible to launch a scene from your desk and step into a virtual environment.

The hardware

  • From simple mobile phone sollutions to dedicated HMDs the project will try to accommodate as many devices as possible.
  • We assume that a productive version of the project is about 2 years away. By that time we assume devices should be more affordable and more importantly have resolutions that allow easy and confortable work with text documents, i.e. code.
  • Whenever specialized hardware/ physical objects can contribute to efficiency and ergonomics they should be supported but not mandatory. One such an example is a handtracking module together with a physical keyboard.

The software

For the start of the project the main components are A-Frame and node.js. A-Frame to make it more accesible for webdevelopers to develop the 3D Visuals. NodeJS to have a personal server for the user to access APIs like chat apps, calendars, cloud drives and such as well to access the local file system if the user desires to do so. The system should allow for easy integration of plugins like skype, discord or slack for communication. These plugins should be self contained both in visualization and function.

On a personal note:



Working in Teams

  • Contacts
  • Files

Ease of use

  • Hosting
  • Customization

Supported Devices



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