___ ______ _ _
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_| |__ _____ ___ _| |_ ____ ____) ) |__ _ ___ ____
(_ __|____ |/___|_ _) _ |/ ____/| _ \| |/ _ \| \
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|_| \_____(___/ \__)__ |_______)____/|_|\___/|_|_|_|
- NOTE fastq2biom is no longer being maintained as I have migrated towards ASV-based approach with data2.
PE Illumina FASTQ to biom superscript
A draft Z shell script automating steps processing Illumina paired-end FASTQ to a BIOM format. Developed for Z-shell (zsh).
- ITS (usearch9) support added.
- 16S (usearch10) support added.
- 16S relaxed merge mode added.
- In usearch10, unoise3 support and updated codes added.
- Place all and only the paired-end Illumina files of the this project in this local folder.
- The ID of the sample in the file name should be deliminted by underscore; e.g. "SampleID_L001_R1.fastq".
- I used Anaconda
conda create -n python2 python=2.7 anaconda
to create a Python 2 envrionment which is activated viasource activate python2
in the script. If you're not natively in Python 3, you can probably comment out the lines (starting withsource
) that activate and deactivates the environment.
The following commands need to be in the $PATH variable, and named as such:
- mothur - from http://www.mothur.org
- biom - from http://biom-format.org
- usearch[n] - from http://www.drive5.com (Note the version-dependent scripts)
- Optional QIIME scripts
- Generate FASTQC report of the input FASTQ files.
- fastx_learn error rate determination.
- Report sequence size distribution (gist: cyklee/fastx_sequence_length.sh).
- Report pre-processing read counts (simple grep for unfiltered fastq).
- Testing 16S_usearch10 script for unoise3 and singleton inclusion (alpha=Y).
- Snakemake?
- Perhaps use the size distribution to calculate trim.seq parameters (e.g. adjust to capture a portion of the distribution).
- Previous log file issue solved due to logging being supported by newer usearch.