The {xmap}
package provides support for transformations of numeric
aggregates between statistical classifications (e.g. occupation or
industry categorisations) using the Crossmaps framework. Implements
classes for representing transformations between a source and target
classification as graph structures (i.e. Crossmaps), and methods for
validating and applying crossmaps to transform data collected under the
source classification into data indexed using the target classification
Crossmaps encodes instructions for transforming data between statistical
classifications. It is a graph structure with links (to
, from
, and
) that associate source and target classification codes with
weights for redistributing numeric mass attached to each code in a
source classification. For example, a given link could specify encode
that 10% of people in a source classification are employed in a
particular target occupation. A collection of links between two
classifications forms a crossmap graph structure, which when represented
as an table of links (i.e. an edge list table) can be easily verified
against conditions that are required for a valid transformation of data
between the specified classifications.
Using a valid crossmap guarantees that the total mass before and after
the transformation remains the same. For example, if we reclassify
counts of workers by occupation, we would expect that the total number
of workers across all occupation categories remains unchanged after
reclassification. However, comparing totals is not always sufficient to
identify mistakes in data transformation as there can be multiple ways
to redistribute mass between source and target classifications while
maintaining the same total. This package allows you to create, validate
and apply xmap_tbl
objects to perform valid and mass-preserving
transformations of numeric aggregates between statistical
classifications. The crossmaps workflow saves users from having to
manually check code lines for implementation errors by verifying
crossmaps satisfy mathematically sufficient conditions for valid
For more details the task abstraction underpinning the crossmap framework and some visualisations of crossmaps, see Visualising category recoding and numeric redistributions, and for more on how transformation guarantees arise from graph properities of crossmaps, see A Unified Statistical And Computational Framework For Ex-Post Harmonisation Of Aggregate Statistics.
To cite this package use:
## Warning in citation("xmap"): could not determine year for 'xmap' from package
## To cite package 'xmap' in publications use:
## Huang C, Puzzello L (????). _xmap: Transforming Data Between
## Statistical Classifications_.,
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
## @Manual{,
## title = {xmap: Transforming Data Between Statistical Classifications},
## author = {Cynthia A. Huang and Laura Puzzello},
## note = {,},
## }
To install the latest CRAN release of xmap
To install the latest development version of xmap
The easiest way to create a crossmap is to coerce a dataframe
(e.g. xmap::demo$abc_links
) containing source codes, target codes and
weights between them:
demo$abc_links |>
as_xmap_tbl(from = "lower", to = "upper", weight_by = "share")
## # A crossmap tibble: 6 × 3
## # with unique keys: [4] lower -> [5] upper
## .from$lower .to$upper .weight_by$share
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 a AA 1
## 2 b BB 1
## 3 c BB 1
## 4 d CC 0.3
## 5 d DD 0.6
## 6 d EE 0.1
If the coercion fails, you can use diagnose_as_xmap()
to identify
bad_links <- demo$abc_links
bad_links[4, "share"] <- 5
diagnose_as_xmap_tbl(bad_links, from = "lower", to = "upper", weight_by = "share")
## Warning: The sum of weights on outgoing links for some source nodes are not near 1
## ℹ Fix weights or adjust `tol=`
## ℹ See `.$bad_froms` for more details
## $bad_dups
## $miss_weight_by
## $bad_froms
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
## .from$lower .sum.weight_by
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 d 5.7
When using a crossmap to transform data, you want to make sure that the crossmap covers all the codes present in your data. For example, if your data contained a count for the category “teacher”, but your crossmap doesn’t have any links with “teacher”, then you risk silently losing data in the transformation. Even if you wanted to remove the count for “teacher”, this should be done in the original dataset explicitly (e.g. via filtering and removing rows), rather than implictly in the transformation.
To use a suitable crossmap to transform data, you can use
abc_xmap <- demo$abc_links |>
as_xmap_tbl(from = "lower", to = "upper", weight_by = "share")
abc_data <- tibble::tibble(
lower = unique(demo$abc_links$lower),
count = runif(length(unique(demo$abc_links$lower)), min = 100, max = 500)
transformed_data <- apply_xmap(
.data = abc_data,
.xmap = abc_xmap,
values_from = count
## Matching keys in `.data$lower` with `.xmap$.from$lower`
## ℹ To silence, set `keys_from = lower`
## totals still match!
sum(abc_data$count) == sum(transformed_data$count)
## [1] TRUE