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Merge pull request danialfarid#1871 from chaitanyathengdi/patch-2
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danialfarid authored Apr 24, 2017
2 parents dad17f2 + 7e8c262 commit d911c55
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 90 deletions.
182 changes: 92 additions & 90 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,127 +154,129 @@ At least one of the `ngf-select` or `ngf-drop` are mandatory for the plugin to l

<div|button|input type="file"|ngf-select|ngf-drop...
ngf-select="" or "upload($files, ...)" // called when files are selected or cleared
ngf-drop="" or "upload($files, ...)" // called when files being dropped
// You can use ng-model or ngf-change instead of specifying function for ngf-drop and ngf-select
// function parameters are the same as ngf-change
ngf-select="" or "upload($files, ...)" <!-- called when files are selected or cleared -->
ngf-drop="" or "upload($files, ...)" <!-- called when files being dropped
You can use ng-model or ngf-change instead of specifying function for ngf-drop and ngf-select
function parameters are the same as ngf-change -->
ngf-change="upload($files, $file, $newFiles, $duplicateFiles, $invalidFiles, $event)"
// called when files are selected, dropped, or cleared
ng-model="myFiles" // binds the valid selected/dropped file or files to the scope model
// could be an array or single file depending on ngf-multiple and ngf-keep values.
<!-- called when files are selected, dropped, or cleared -->
ng-model="myFiles" <!-- binds the valid selected/dropped file or files to the scope model
could be an array or single file depending on ngf-multiple and ngf-keep values. -->
ngf-model-options="{updateOn: 'change click drop dropUrl paste', allowInvalid: false, debounce: 0}"
// updateOn could be used to disable resetting on click, or updating on paste, browser image drop, etc.
// allowInvalid default is false could allow invalid files in the model
// debouncing will postpone model update (miliseconds). See angular ng-model-options for more details.
ngf-model-invalid="invalidFile(s)" // binds the invalid selected/dropped file or files to this model.
ngf-before-model-change="beforeChange($files, ...)" // called after file select/drop and before
// model change, validation and resize is processed
ng-disabled="boolean" // disables this element
ngf-select-disabled="boolean" // default false, disables file select on this element
ngf-drop-disabled="boolean" // default false, disables file drop on this element
ngf-multiple="boolean" // default false, allows selecting multiple files
ngf-keep="true|false|'distinct'" // default false, keep the previous ng-model files and
// append the new files. "'distinct'" removes duplicate files
// $newFiles and $duplicateFiles are set in ngf-change/select/drop functions.
ngf-fix-orientation="boolean" //default false, would rotate the jpeg image files that have
// exif orientation data. See #745. Could be a boolean function like shouldFixOrientation($file)
// to decide wethere to fix that file or not.

*ngf-capture="'camera'" or "'other'" // allows mobile devices to capture using camera
*ngf-accept="'image/*'" // standard HTML accept attr, browser specific select popup window

+ngf-allow-dir="boolean" // default true, allow dropping files only for Chrome webkit browser
+ngf-include-dir="boolean" //default false, include directories in the dropped file array.
//You can detect if they are directory or not by checking the type === 'directory'.
<!-- updateOn could be used to disable resetting on click, or updating on paste, browser
image drop, etc. allowInvalid default is false could allow invalid files in the model
debouncing will postpone model update (miliseconds). See angular ng-model-options for more details. -->
ngf-model-invalid="invalidFile(s)" <!-- binds the invalid selected/dropped file or files to this model. -->
ngf-before-model-change="beforeChange($files, ...)" <!-- called after file select/drop and before
model change, validation and resize is processed -->
ng-disabled="boolean" <!-- disables this element -->
ngf-select-disabled="boolean" <!-- default false, disables file select on this element -->
ngf-drop-disabled="boolean" <!-- default false, disables file drop on this element -->
ngf-multiple="boolean" <!-- default false, allows selecting multiple files -->
ngf-keep="true|false|'distinct'" <!-- default false, keep the previous ng-model files and
append the new files. "'distinct'" removes duplicate files
$newFiles and $duplicateFiles are set in ngf-change/select/drop functions. -->
ngf-fix-orientation="boolean" <!-- default false, would rotate the jpeg image files that have
exif orientation data. See #745. Could be a boolean function like shouldFixOrientation($file)
to decide wethere to fix that file or not. -->

*ngf-capture="'camera'" or "'other'" <!-- allows mobile devices to capture using camera -->
*ngf-accept="'image/*'" <!-- standard HTML accept attr, browser specific select popup window -->

+ngf-allow-dir="boolean" <!-- default true, allow dropping files only for Chrome webkit browser -->
+ngf-include-dir="boolean" <!-- default false, include directories in the dropped file array.
You can detect if they are directory or not by checking the type === 'directory'. -->
+ngf-drag-over-class="{pattern: 'image/*', accept:'acceptClass', reject:'rejectClass', delay:100}"
or "'myDragOverClass'" or "calcDragOverClass($event)"
// default "dragover". drag over css class behaviour. could be a string, a function
// returning class name or a json object.
// accept/reject class only works in Chrome, validating only the file mime type.
// if pattern is not specified ngf-pattern will be used. See following docs for more info.
+ngf-drag="drag($isDragging, $class, $event)" // function called on drag over/leave events.
// $isDragging: boolean true if is dragging over(dragover), false if drag has left (dragleave)
// $class is the class that is being set for the element calculated by ngf-drag-over-class
+ngf-drop-available="dropSupported" // set the value of scope model to true or false based on file
// drag&drop support for this browser
+ngf-stop-propagation="boolean" // default false, whether to propagate drag/drop events.
+ngf-hide-on-drop-not-available="boolean" // default false, hides element if file drag&drop is not
+ngf-enable-firefox-paste="boolean" // *experimental* default false, enable firefox image paste by making element contenteditable
<!-- default "dragover". drag over css class behaviour. could be a string, a function
returning class name or a json object.
accept/reject class only works in Chrome, validating only the file mime type.
if pattern is not specified ngf-pattern will be used. See following docs for more info. -->
+ngf-drag="drag($isDragging, $class, $event)" <!-- function called on drag over/leave events.
$isDragging: boolean true if is dragging over(dragover), false if drag has left (dragleave)
$class is the class that is being set for the element calculated by ngf-drag-over-class -->
+ngf-drop-available="dropSupported" <!-- set the value of scope model to true or false
based on file drag&drop support for this browser -->
+ngf-stop-propagation="boolean" <!-- default false, whether to propagate drag/drop events. -->
+ngf-hide-on-drop-not-available="boolean" <!-- default false, hides element if file drag&drop is not -->
+ngf-enable-firefox-paste="boolean" <!-- *experimental* default false, enable firefox image paste
by making element contenteditable -->

ngf-resize="{width: 100, height: 100, quality: .8, type: 'image/jpeg',
ratio: '1:2', centerCrop: true, pattern='.jpg', restoreExif: false}"
or resizeOptions() // a function returning a promise which resolves into the options.
// resizes the image to the given width/height or ratio. Quality is optional between 0.1 and 1.0),
// type is optional convert it to the given image type format.
// centerCrop true will center crop the image if it does not fit within the given width/height or ratio.
// centerCrop false (default) will not crop the image and will fit it within the given width/height or ratio
// so the resulting image width (or height) could be less than given width (or height).
// pattern is to resize only the files that their name or type matches the pattern similar to ngf-pattern.
// restoreExif boolean default true, will restore exif info on the resized image.
or resizeOptions() <!-- a function returning a promise which resolves into the options.
resizes the image to the given width/height or ratio. Quality is optional between 0.1 and 1.0),
type is optional convert it to the given image type format.
centerCrop true will center crop the image if it does not fit within the given width/height or ratio.
centerCrop false (default) will not crop the image and will fit it within the given width/height or ratio
so the resulting image width (or height) could be less than given width (or height).
pattern is to resize only the files that their name or type matches the pattern similar to ngf-pattern.
restoreExif boolean default true, will restore exif info on the resized image. -->
ngf-resize-if="$width > 1000 || $height > 1000" or "resizeCondition($file, $width, $height)"
// apply ngf-resize only if this function returns true. To filter specific images to be resized.
ngf-validate-after-resize="boolean" // default false, if true all validation will be run after
// the images are being resized, so any validation error before resize will be ignored.

ngf-max-files="10" // maximum number of files allowed to be selected or dropped, validate error name: maxFiles
ngf-pattern="'.pdf,.jpg,video/*,!.jog'" // comma separated wildcard to filter file names and types allowed
// you can exclude specific files by ! at the beginning.
// validate error name: pattern
<!-- apply ngf-resize only if this function returns true. To filter specific images to be resized. -->
ngf-validate-after-resize="boolean" <!-- default false, if true all validation will be run after
the images are being resized, so any validation error before resize will be ignored. -->

<!-- validations: -->
ngf-max-files="10" <!-- maximum number of files allowed to be selected or dropped, validate error name: maxFiles -->
ngf-pattern="'.pdf,.jpg,video/*,!.jog'" <!-- comma separated wildcard to filter file names and
types allowed you can exclude specific files by ! at the beginning. validate error name: pattern -->
ngf-min-size, ngf-max-size, ngf-max-total-size="100" in bytes or "'10KB'" or "'10MB'" or "'10GB'"
// validate as form.file.$error.maxSize=true and file.$error='maxSize'
// ngf-max-total-size is for multiple file select and validating the total size of all files.
<!-- validate as form.file.$error.maxSize=true and file.$error='maxSize'
ngf-max-total-size is for multiple file select and validating the total size of all files. -->
ngf-min-height, ngf-max-height, ngf-min-width, ngf-max-width="1000" in pixels only images
// validate error names: minHeight, maxHeight, minWidth, maxWidth
ngf-ratio="8:10,1.6" // list of comma separated valid aspect ratio of images in float or 2:3 format
// validate error name: ratio
ngf-min-ratio, ngf-max-ratio="8:10" // min or max allowed aspect ratio for the image.
<!-- validate error names: minHeight, maxHeight, minWidth, maxWidth -->
ngf-ratio="8:10,1.6" <!-- list of comma separated valid aspect ratio of images in float or 2:3 format
validate error name: ratio -->
ngf-min-ratio, ngf-max-ratio="8:10" <!-- min or max allowed aspect ratio for the image. -->
ngf-dimensions="$width > 1000 || $height > 1000" or "validateDimension($file, $width, $height)"
// validate the image dimensions, validate error name: dimensions
<!-- validate the image dimensions, validate error name: dimensions -->
ngf-min-duration, ngf-max-duration="100.5" in seconds or "'10s'" or "'10m'" or "'10h'" only audio, video
// validate error name: maxDuration
<!-- validate error name: maxDuration -->
ngf-duration="$duration > 1000" or "validateDuration($file, $duration)"
// validate the media duration, validate error name: duration
<!-- validate the media duration, validate error name: duration -->

ngf-validate="{size: {min: 10, max: '20MB'}, width: {min: 100, max:10000}, height: {min: 100, max: 300}
ratio: '2x1', duration: {min: '10s', max: '5m'}, pattern: '.jpg'}"
shorthand form for above validations in one place.
ngf-validate-fn="validate($file)" // custom validation function, return boolean or string containing the error.
// validate error name: validateFn
ngf-validate-async-fn="validate($file)" // custom validation function, return a promise that resolve to
// boolean or string containing the error. validate error name: validateAsyncFn
ngf-validate-force="boolean" // default false, if true file.$error will be set if the dimension or duration
// values for validations cannot be calculated for example image load error or unsupported video by the browser.
// by default it would assume the file is valid if the duration or dimension cannot be calculated by the browser.
ngf-ignore-invalid="'pattern maxSize'" // ignore the files that fail the specified validations. They will
// just be ignored and will not show up in ngf-model-invalid or make the form invalid.
// space separated list of validate error names.
ngf-run-all-validations="boolean" // default false. Runs all the specified validate directives. By default
// once a validation fails for a file it would stop running other validations for that file.
<!-- shorthand form for above validations in one place. -->
ngf-validate-fn="validate($file)" <!-- custom validation function, return boolean or string
containing the error. validate error name: validateFn -->
ngf-validate-async-fn="validate($file)" <!-- custom validation function, return a promise that
resolve to boolean or string containing the error. validate error name: validateAsyncFn -->
ngf-validate-force="boolean" <!-- default false, if true file.$error will be set if
the dimension or duration values for validations cannot be calculated for example
image load error or unsupported video by the browser. by default it would assume the file
is valid if the duration or dimension cannot be calculated by the browser. -->
ngf-ignore-invalid="'pattern maxSize'" <!-- ignore the files that fail the specified validations.
They will just be ignored and will not show up in ngf-model-invalid or make the form invalid.
space separated list of validate error names. -->
ngf-run-all-validations="boolean" <!-- default false. Runs all the specified validate directives.
By default once a validation fails for a file it would stop running other validations for that file. -->


<div|... ngf-no-file-drop>File Drag/drop is not supported</div>

// filter to convert the file to base64 data url.
<!-- filter to convert the file to base64 data url. -->
<a href="file | ngfDataUrl">image</a>

#### File preview
*ngf-src="file" //To preview the selected file, sets src attribute to the file data url.
*ngf-background="file" //sets background-image style to the file data url.
ngf-resize="{width: 20, height: 20, quality: 0.9}" // only for image resizes the image before setting it
// as src or background image. quality is optional.
ngf-no-object-url="true or false" // see #887 to force base64 url generation instead of object url. Default false
*ngf-src="file" <!-- To preview the selected file, sets src attribute to the file data url. -->
*ngf-background="file" <!-- sets background-image style to the file data url. -->
ngf-resize="{width: 20, height: 20, quality: 0.9}" <!-- only for image resizes the image
before setting it as src or background image. quality is optional. -->
ngf-no-object-url="true or false" <!-- see #887 to force base64 url generation instead of
object url. Default false -->

*ngf-thumbnail="file" //Generates a thumbnail version of the image file
*ngf-thumbnail="file" <!-- Generates a thumbnail version of the image file -->
ngf-size="{width: 20, height: 20, quality: 0.9}" the image will be resized to this size
// if not specified will be resized to this element`s client width and height.
ngf-as-background="boolean" //if true it will set the background image style instead of src attribute.
<!-- if not specified will be resized to this element`s client width and height. -->
ngf-as-background="boolean" <!-- if true it will set the background image style instead of src attribute. -->

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