Cosmos Query Manager is a Windows based query manager for Azure DocumentDb/Cosmos DB
- Develop, run, edit your DocumentDb/Cosmos DB SQL commands
- Add, edit and delete documents
- Work with multiple database and multiple environments
- Transaction and Rollback support
If you want to install the application please grab the "latest" .EXE installer file from the releases folder in the project source
This version has some breaking changes that will need to be addressed. Due to the relationship between the DocumentDB SDK nuget package (2.9.2) and the Cosmos Emulator the emulator will need to be updated. This version of Cosmos Manager works with Cosmos Emulator version or later. When upgrading emulators you will need to reseed the data. To do this first export all existing collection data and then re-import it using the dt.exe tool. This is needed due to the changes Cosmos Emulator has made to no longer support non-partitioned collections.
This is a C# application, requiring VS2017+
There are 3 ways to create a new query tab
- From File select
- From the File List View
- From double clicking in the tabs bar
You can open any directory folder to load all the .cSQL files. This also loads all children folders and files as well. This provides the easy of working across many files, but still being able to organize them.
To create the connections file view the Help Guide.
In the query options toolbar on the far right is a dropdown to change the connection string of where the query gets executed. Each connection string will color the current tab to a set color. This helps in keeping track of what environment a query has been ran against at a quick glance.
Formats the query statement
Selected text to lowercase
Selected text to uppercase
Indents LIne
Outdents Line
Controls word wrap of the query statement
Changes the font size of the query statement
Saves the query statement
Runs the query statement
On selects we have options available to manipulate the results list
Send all the selected documents to a New Query Update statement
Send all the selected documents to a New Query Delete statement
Formats the document
Selected text to lowercase
Selected text to uppercase
Indents LIne
Outdents Line
Controls word wrap of the document
Changes the font size of the document
Deletes the document
Saves the document
Exports the results document
In the output tab we can see all information related to the executed query. On selects we output all the cosmos metrics and costs, on other queries information related to the success of the query are displayed.
The transaction cache is the storage location where rollback files are stored. The application never deletes from this folder so there is always a rollback history available as a data safety precaution. As this folder grows with backup data for transactions it may need to be cleaned out or have the files archived somewhere.
Cosmos Manager now provides commandline support. This can be used to automate CosmosDB updates as part of a release or deployment cycle. One of the challenges with using Cosmos is the lack of automation and transaction ability when changing data within CosmosDB. By using this through the commandline you now have that control.
| Options| Description | | ----- | --connections | The JSON file that contains all the CosmosDB connections information. | | --connectTo | he name of the connection to use to connect to CosmosDB. | | --script | The .CSQL script to execute. | | --folder | The folder that contains the .CSQL scripts to execute. | | --output | The .CResult file the query output is written to. | | --continueOnError | Flag to indicate whether to continue script executions on error.| | --ignorePrompts | Flag to indicate whether to continue without accepting user input on prompts. Used for executing data altering scripts without transactions. | | --includeDocumentInOutput | Flag to indicate whether to write the document results to the console and output file. |
CosmosManager2019.exe exec --help
CosmosManager2019.exe exec --connections "C:\TestScripts\connections.json" --connectTo "Local Cosmos" --script "C:\TestScripts\FindMyUserId.csql" --output "C:\TestScripts\output.cresult"
CosmosManager2019.exe exec --connections "C:\TestScripts\connections.json" --connectTo "Local Cosmos" --folder "C:\TestScripts\" --includeDocumentInOutput --output "C:\TestScripts\output.cresult"
Currently text display output is the only option. It provides all the CossmmosDB metrics and execution summaries and results.