Hi there! I am Daksh Shah, a third year Computer Science/Math major at UC Santa Cruz. I'm interested in Computer Vision and Graphics with applications to medical imaging, autonomous vehicles, robotics, and accessibility. I also enjoy systems programming and computer architecture.
My current research is in:
- MRI Differentiable Simulators and Medical Imaging
- Robotics with Autonomous Vehicle Scene Analysis and Decision-making
- ASL Gesture Recognition
Here's some of the courses I've taken while at UCSC.
- CSE 160/L: Introduction to Computer Graphics
- CSE 138: Distributed Systems
- CSE 240: Artificial Intelligence
- CSE 290c: Advance Topics in Machine Learning (NeuroSymbolic AI)
- CSE 290c: Advance Topics in Machine Learning (Differentiable Programming)
- MATH 105a: Real Analysis I
- CSE 240: Artificial Intelligence
- CSE 290c: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (NeuroSymbolic AI)
- CSE 290c: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (Differentiable Programming)
- STAT 206: Applied Bayesian Statistics
Upper Division
- CSE 160/L: Introduction to Computer Graphics
- CSE 138: Distributed Systems
- CSE 144: Applied Machine Learning: Deep Learning
- CSE 130: Principles of Computer Systems Design
- CSE 102: Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
- CSE 120: Computer Architecture
- CSE 103: Computational Models
- CSE 101: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
- CSE 107: Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Lower Division
- CSE 30: Programming Abstractions in Python
- CSE 12: Computer Systems and Assembly
- CSE 13s: Computer Systems and C Programming
- ECE 30: Engineering Principles of Electronics
- MATH 105a: Real Analysis I
- MATH 115: Graph Theory
- MATH 100: Introduction to Proof and Problem Solving
- MATH 19a: Calculus I
- MATH 19b: Calculus II
- MATH 21: Linear Algebra
- MATH 23a: Vector Calculus I
- MATH 23b: Vector Calculus II
- MATH 24: Ordinary Differential Equations