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Robot Framework wrapper for pyperfmon, provides a simple way to collect windows performance monitor (perfmon) counter statistics from a windows machine, usually the AUT servers.


pip install robotframework-perfmon

Example Usage

Simple example usage:

*** Settings ***
Library		PerfmonLibrary

*** Variables ***
${AUTServer} 	MyAUTServer

*** Test Cases ***
Check Memory
	${mempct}= 	Get Counter 	Memory\\% Committed Bytes In Use 	${AUTServer}
	Should Be True 	${mempct[1]} < 80

Check CPU
	${cputotpct}= 	Get Counter 	Processor\\_Total\\% Processor Time 	${AUTServer}
	Should Be True 	${cputotpct[1]} < 80

Keyword Documentation

Keyword Description
Connect To Establishes a connection to a remote windows machine.
The most likely reasons for using this keyword are:
- You need to use different credentials to connect to the remote windows machine
- You want to avoid the connection time overhead on reading the first performance counter
All arguments are optional with the default values used if omitted
- hostname the windows machine to connect to. Default: localhost
- username the windows user to connect with, when specifying a domain you will need to escape the \ as \\. Default: current logged in user.
- password the password for the specified windows user. If username no specified password is not used. Default: None
example usage:
Connect To hostname domnain\\username password
Connect To hostname
It is suggested to use this keyword in Suite setup
Get Counter Get the performance monitor counter's value, the value is returned as a tuple of ('counterpath', value)
counterpath argument is required, hostname argument is optional with the default value used if omitted
- counterpath the path to the windows performance counter, can be in either format
      <object>\\<counter> or
- hostname the windows machine to connect to. Default: localhost
Get Objects Get a list of available performance monitor counter objects
All arguments are optional with the default values used if omitted
- hostname the windows machine to connect to. Default: localhost
Get Counters Get a list of available performance monitor counters for specified object
object argument is required, hostname argument is optional with the default value used if omitted
- object the object to get a list of windows performance counters for.
- hostname the windows machine to connect to. Default: localhost