A Trakt client library for dart.
To learn more about Trakt visit offical site
To learn more about the Trakt API visit offical site
All version 2 requests for all Categories!
File any issues you see or feature requests
Adding as dependencies
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
dependencies: trakt_dart: ^1.0.1
Import it
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:trakt_dart/trakt_dart.dart';
In order to make calls to the Trakt API, you must first inialize the TraktManager with your clientId, clientSecret, ad redirectURI. To get these, you must first register an account with Trakt, then complete the Create An App Application.
final traktManager = TraktManager(clientId: "${clientId}", clientSecret: "${clientSecret}", redirectURI: "${redirectURI}");
To call the trending movies endpoint:
final trendingMovies = await traktManager.movies.getTrendingMovies(extendedFull: true);
Since this is still a work in progress, I will be updating this package on a weekly bases until all of the endpoints are implmenented including OAuth.
To follow the progress, follow me on Twitter @damonique_b.