A training worksheet , focused on CrossFit athletes. The project had as goal
to enrich the user experience as an athlete keeping track of the workout plans and gains.
This project is a monorepo
using yarn workspaces
. It has 3 main apps and 3 helper packages.
- SolidJS web app: For admin only to add new workout plans (worksheets) and manage the users. See more
- React Native Mobile app: For active users to check and use during the traning. See more
- Firbase functions: Some small functions to help managing some minor users data.
- Utils: Helper functions and classes to shared between web and mobile.
- Models: Interfaces and types shared between web and mobile.
- CLI: Small CLI app to help with migrations and firestore development. See more
The details for each app/package you can check following the links above. Here are some of the shared techs that were used:
- Firebase
- Firestore
- Authentication
- Functions
- Crashlitics
To run this project, you need to setup some files and accounts:
- A Firebase project with access to functions. (not free account)
- Create a web, IOS ad Android certificates (download the files)
- Create a DB on the firestore
- Inside of
- Save the IOS and Android certificates
- Copy the file
and rename it to.env
- Set the values for the vars in the file
- Inside of
- Copy the file
and rename it to.env
- Set the values for the vars in the file
- Copy the file
- Run
to install all dependencies. Done! If everything is correct you can run:
Firebase emulator
yarn fb:emulator
yarn dev:web
yarn dev:mobile