Temba Importer is a Django app for copying data from a running RapidPro Temba installation to another one. This app must be added as a plugin to the destination installation and it requires API access to the source install.
Add "tembaimporter" to the destination install's settings file:
... 'tembaimporter',
On the destination installation web dashboard you must sign up, then import your Flows' JSON.
From the destination installation console you must import the geolocation data files:
python3 manage.py import_geojson admin_level_0_simplified.json admin_level_1_simplified.json
From console, cd to where the manage.py file is located and run:
python3 manage.py temba_api_import source.example.com SOURCE_API_KEY [email protected] AdminAccountPassword
The app does not copy the channel types because they are not exported by the API. They must be set manually.
from temba.channels.models import Channel
chan1 = Channel.objects.all()[0]
chan1.channel_type = 'FBA' # For a FaceBook App channel
chan1.config = {"auth_token":"", "page_name":"", "secret":"", "callback_domain":"example.com"}
chan2 = Channel.objects.all()[1]
chan2.channel_type = 'TG' # For a Telegram channel
chan2.config = {"auth_token":"", "callback_domain":"example.com"}
After you move the media files to the new location, you can update their URLs from the database by running:
python3 manage.py temba_fix_attachment_path original.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com new.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com