- Todo list to organize your todos
- Invite other people to join your list
- Changes to todo are updated through websocket, no need to reload page
- Every user action is logged and displayed
Detail spec can be found in System Spec
Production: https://todos-actioncable.herokuapp.com/swagger Development: http://localhost:3000/swagger
There are two kinds of API: internal and public. Internal API is for internal use and public API is exposed to let 3rd party to integrate. User can generate token with granted permissions and use it to call public API.
How to authenticate with token guide
Development in Ruby 2.5.1, PostgreSQL 10.2, elasticsearch 6.4.2
brew cask install homebrew/cask-versions/java8 # elasticsearch dependency
brew install elasticsearch
bundle # install gems
overcommit --install # add git hook tool
overcommit --sign # apply git hook. execute it after changing .overcommit.yml
rails db:setup # create db and seed
rails s # start server in http://localhost:300
Ignore git hook: SKIP=RuboCop git commit
Follow git flow.
UI is based on ace admin, Demo website
# heroku remote: https://git.heroku.com/todos-actioncable.git
git push heroku master