This repository contains all the configuration and source code for a demonstration of the OpenTelemetry Operator in a local kind
Kubernetes cluster.
First we spin up a cluster:
kind create cluster --name=otel --config kind/multi-node.yaml
A prerequisite for using the OpenTelemetry Operator is having cert manager installed. Further we need to deploy the OpenTelemetry Operator, also using Helm. A mandatory value that needs to be specified is the collectorImage repository. Furthermore, it is recommended to define the namespace where the operator will be deployed (and automatically create the namespace if it does not exist). Inspect the Makefile
for more details.
make install-prereqs
We will export all the telemetry signals collected to If you don't have a Dash0 organization created, sign-up for free here. Grab your Auth token (Click your Avatar > Settings > Auth Tokens), and export it in your terminal and create a Kubernetes secret:
kubectl create secret generic dash0-secrets --from-literal=dash0-authorization-token=${DASH0_AUTH_TOKEN} --namespace opentelemetry
Next, we can install our OpenTelemetry Collectors using this convinience command:
make collector
You should now have the following Running
in the opentelemetry
kubectl get pods -n opentelemetry
opentelemetry-operator-7b88b4c6bb-xh84j 2/2 Running 0 86s
otel-central-collector-0 1/1 Running 0 39s
otel-central-targetallocator-6f567b8587-9wkjz 1/1 Running 0 39s
otel-collector-7bt5f 1/1 Running 0 49s
otel-collector-gpmnv 1/1 Running 0 49s
Note: In this example, the central collector we use for central collection of telemetry is deployed in mode: daemonset
. It seems there's a connection issue locally using kind between the target allocator and the collector in mode deployment and daemonet.
Deploy the Instrumentation
resource to allow for automatic instrumentation:
make instrumentation
Last thing is to deploy our workloads. Check out the different language implementation in the languages
directory or apply directly:
make deploy-k8s
The command will build each of the applications as a docker image, load it into kind, and deploy the kubernetes manifests.
make delete