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Recommended setup:

  1. Make sure the metrics-server is installed, for example:
    • helm repo add metrics-server
    • helm repo update
    • helm upgrade --install --set args={--kubelet-insecure-tls} metrics-server metrics-server/metrics-server --namespace kube-system
  2. Run ./ pod-with-issue.yaml.
  3. In a separate shell, start watch kubectl top pod --namespace=kubelet-stats-test and let it run.
  4. In a separate shell, start watch ./ and let it run. This prints the value that kubelet stats report (that is, kubectl get --raw /api/v1/nodes/docker-desktop/proxy/stats/summary -> pod -> .memory.usageBytes formatted in MB). Note: If your node name is not docker-desktop, you might need to edit this file.
  5. Optional: In a separate shell, start k9s, open the namespace kubelet-stats-test and lists its pods to observer the memory values it reports. (Might use kubectl top pod or something similar under the hood, not sure.)


  • The memory usage of the pod as reported by kubectl top and k9s will be at 0 or close to zero.
  • The memory.usageBytes reported by kubelet stats (/api/v1/nodes/docker-desktop/proxy/stats/summary) will be around 100 MB.

All three values represent the memory usage of the pod, but the reported value from kubelet stats is different.
