Random scripts for cuckoo automatic analysis
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
List of 3 scripts used to set up the system. Tested on Lubuntu 18.07
First of all we need to execute the forward.sh in order to run the proper conf.
Forward.sh --> create vbox interface and set ip to it
enable sysctl ipv4 traffic
set the map count to 262144, (ElasticSearch compatibility)
Execute bash file to feed the malware to cuckoo.
start bash file --> Firstly, rename to your own path in the variable directory
In that path it is expected to find the samples of malware.
Note: failure in case samples start with numbers** Need to update this
.exe found, Yes to process, cuckoo api mode and curl to feed samples.
Execute save to take a snapshot of your current vm, (VirtualBox)
save bash file --> When cuckoo its done when the report, execure save to take a snapshot, YES to save.