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Put your processed 10-minute files here.

Those files shoul be conform to those specifications (explained in exercice 2):

  • one header line, without any quotation marks, like “ or ‘
  • observations from line 2 on
  • 3 columns with the following names: id, dttm and temp
  • id: consecutive id starting with 1
  • dttm: a string with date and time information in this exact format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM) without any other information like “T”, “Z” or “UTC” or other timezone information,
  • the timezone of the data should be UTC+1 (old: GMT+1)
  • temp: values of air temperature measurements in °C
  • the data resolution should be the same as in the raw file (e.g. 4 digits)
  • the column separator is a comma (,), the decimal separator is a point (.)
  • one line per observation (an observation is a 10-min value from the time series)
  • Your file will have 6 (timesteps per hour) x 24 (hours) = 144 values per day, if no measurement point the file should have an “NA” written at this observation point
  • Start and End date and time is given during the exercise lecture
  • The name of your file should be “your_hobo_id.csv” (e.g. 10305099.csv)

Here is an example:

id dttm temp lux
1 2022-11-30 00:00:00 5.54 0
2 2022-11-30 00:10:00 5.64 10
3 2022-11-30 00:20:00 5.74 100
4 2022-11-30 00:30:00 5.94 1000
... ...
6047 2023-01-10 23:40:00 2.94 0
6048 2023-01-10 23:50:00 NA NA