Given a set of bed files, we want to produce 3 BigWig output files: one track of the start coordinates, one track of the end coordinates, and one track for core coordinates.
Uniwig will rely on libBigWig, a C library for processing BigWig files. You will need to compile the libBigWig
library locally first, then you can compile uniwig. The steps are described below.
We recommend you clone this repository so libBigWig
and uniwig
are parallel folders at the same level.
git clone
git clone
This should add two library files libBigWig.a
in your libBigWig
local repository:
cd libBigWig
make install prefix=lib
With libBigWig compiled, you can use the Makefile
to compile, test, or remove uniwig
. The compiled program will have the path of ./bin/uniwig
(assuming you are already in the uniwig
local repository). Below are some commands with different Makefile
To compile uniwig
cd uniwig
make uniwig
To test uniwig
make tests
To remove uniwig
(remove ./bin/uniwig
make clean
To recompile a new version of uniwig
after change:
make rebuild
If your libBigWig
and uniwig
local repositories are not located at the same level, then change the LIB_DIR
in the Makefile
. The default path for LIB_DIR
is a relative path from uniwig
local repository to libBigWig
local repository, which has the library files already compiled.
To use the compiled uniwig
program located at ./bin/uniwig
, use the command with the following format
./bin/uniwig (-s) -m (5) -w (1) $combined_bed_file_path $chrom_size_file_path $bw_output_file_header
With these parameters:
for specifying whether the provided combined bed file is already sorted by the chromosome number. If-s
flag is not given,uniwig
will sort the combined bed file by chromosome number.-m
for specifying the smooth size. The positive integer number given after the-m
flag will be used to select the window size for smoothing the coordinates.-w
for specifying the write size. The data will be written
files in chunks to reduce memory usage, and the chunk size (number of lines) will be determined by the-w
for specifying the path of combined bed file. A relative path given would start changing directories fromuniwig
local repository (it is recommended to put the combined bed file in./data/combined/
for specifying the path of chromosome size reference file. There is a reference file provided in this repository, located at./test/hg38.chrom.sizes
, but you are welcome to use any other reference files (such as refgenie)$bw_output_file_header
for specifying the header of the BigWig output file. There will be
files produced, ending
. The input for this parameter will be added to the output file paths as prefixes (it is recommended to put the output BigWig file in./data/bw/
You can also use the provided shell script for executing the entire workflow: from a set of raw data (bed files) to the final BigWig file output. There are two choices provided in this repository:
is the shell script for executinguniwig
without sorting the combined bed file by chromosome number before it's submitted touniwig
. In other words,uniwig
will be responsible for sorting the
is the shell script for executinguniwig
with sorting the combined bed file by chromosome number before it's submitted touniwig
. The sorting is done by shell script commandsort
For both shell script, the default paths for the required files are provided. It is recommended to organize your input files by the default choice, but make sure to change the paths to corresponding repositories if you are not using the default paths.