The affiliation matcher aims to automatically align an affiliation with different reference systems, including :
And specifically for French affiliations :
The methodology is fully explained in a publication freely available on HAL:
version 1.27.0 up to 1.19.2.
git clone [email protected]:dataesr/affiliation-matcher.git
cd affiliation-matcher
make docker-build start
Wait for Elasticsearch to be up. Then run :
make load
In your browser, you now have :
- Elasticsearch : http://localhost:9200/
- RabbitMQ : http://localhost:9181/
- Matcher : http://localhost:5004/
In python, you can call the matcher this way:
import requests
url = 'http://localhost:5004/match', json={
"type": "ror",
"name": "Paris Dauphine University",
"city": "Paris",
"country": "France",
"verbose": False}
For RoR, available criteria are: id, grid_id, name, city, country, supervisor_name, acronym, city_zone_emploi, city_nuts_level2, web_url, web_domain. Default strategies are detauked
For RNSR, available criteria are: year, id, code_number, acronym, name, supervisor_name, supervisor_acronym, zone_emploi, city, web_url. Default strategies are detailed in
make test
make docker-build
To generate the tarball package into the dist folder :
make python-build
To install the generated package into your project :
pip install /path/to/your/package.tar.gz
Then import the package into your python file
import affiliation-matcher
It uses semver.
To create a new release:
make release VERSION=x.x.x
Query the API by setting your own strategies :
curl "YOUR_API_IP/match" -X POST -d '{"type": "YOUR_TYPE", "query": "YOUR_QUERY", "strategies": "YOUR_STRATEGIES", "year": "YOUR_YEAR"}'
YOUR_TYPE is optional, has to be a string and can be one of :
- "country"
- "grid"
- "rnsr"
- "ror"
By default, YOUR_TYPE is equal to "rnsr".
YOUR_QUERY is mandatory, has to be a string and is your affiliation text.
By example : IPAG Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
YOUR_STRATEGIES is optional, has to be a 3 dimensional arrays of criteria (see next paragraph).
By example : [[["grid_name", "grid_country"], ["grid_name", "grid_country_code"]]]
YOUR_YEAR is optional, and can be used only if you use the "rnsr" matcher type, has te be a string.
By example : 1998
By default, YOUR_YEAR is not set ie. it will be match over all years.
curl "YOUR_API_IP/match_list" -X POST -d '{"match_types": "YOUR_TYPES", "affiliations": "YOUR_AFFILIATIONS"}'
YOUR_TYPES is optional, has to be a list of string and can contain one of :
- "country"
- "grid"
- "rnsr"
- "ror"
By default, YOUR_TYPES is equal to ["grid", "rnsr"].
YOUR_AFFILIATIONS is optional, has to be a list of string.
By example : ["affiliation_01", "affiliation_02"]
By default, YOUR_AFFILIATIONS is equal to [].
Here is a list of the criteria available for the country matcher:
- country_alpha3
- country_name
- country_subdivision_code
- country_subdivision_name
Here is a list of the criteria available for the grid matcher:
- grid_acronym
- grid_acronym_unique
- grid_cities_by_region [indirect]
- grid_city
- grid_country
- grid_country_code
- grid_department
- grid_id
- grid_name
- grid_name_unique
- grid_parent
- grid_region
Here is a list of the criteria available for the rnsr matcher:
- rnsr_acronym
- rnsr_city
- rnsr_code_number
- rnsr_code_prefix
- rnsr_country_code
- rnsr_id
- rnsr_name
- rnsr_name_txt
- rnsr_supervisor_acronym
- rnsr_supervisor_name
- rnsr_urban_unit
- rnsr_web_url
- rnsr_year
- rnsr_zone_emploi [indirect]
Here is a list of the criteria available for the ror matcher:
- ror_acronym
- ror_acronym_unique
- ror_city
- ror_country
- ror_country_code
- ror_grid_id
- ror_id
- ror_name
- ror_name_unique
- You can combine criteria to create a strategy.
- You can cumulate strategies to create a family of strategies.
- And then you can cumulate families of strategies to create the final object.
- This final object
is then a 3 dimensional array that you will give as an argument to the "/match" API endpoint. By example :[[["grid_name", "grid_country"], ["grid_name", "grid_country_code"]]]
matcher | precision | recall |
country | 0.9953 | 0.9690 |
grid | 0.7946 | 0.5944 |
rnsr | 0.9654 | 0.8192 |
ror | 0.8891 | 0.2356 |