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MRI Connect

An open source search engine and members directory for the Mountain Research Initiative.

If you have any questions, please contact us via [email protected]

Currently under development by Oleg Lavrovsky,


This project is based on the [Django] and Vue.js web application platforms.

To install, get a hold of Python 3 and Pipenv on your machine.

$ git clone

You can use pip install -r requirements.txt, but in development we use Poetry:

$ pip install -g poetry
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell
  1. To create a blank database or upgrade the configured one:

    $ ./ migrate

  2. Create an admin account using:

    $ ./ createsuperuser

  3. Check for any new changes from the People application

    $ ./ makemigrations people

  4. To start the backend:

    $ ./ runserver

  5. To build the frontend, install nodejs npm and yarn, then:

    $ yarn

The frontend interface will be available in dist. Use yarn serve in development for live reloading.

Check the log for the port and URL to the admin interface.

Data migration

To import data from the legacy database (filename = CSV export), use:

$ ./ mriload <filename>

Check the convert folder for supplementary conversion datafiles.


DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="" in the environment ensures that production settings, loaded from the environment in, should be used.

Use a WSGI server like uwsgi to host the app in production mode. Environment settings are set in the app.ini, e.g.:

env =
env =
env = LOG_DIR=/home/app/logs/

Settings can also be provided using mriconnect/settings/


To save dependency changes from the poetry environment to requirements.txt:

poetry export -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt


MIT - details in LICENSE file.