The default starter theme for Unibit. Live Demo
Use this theme with Stackbit to create a website powered by any combination of static site generator and headless CMS.
This theme is built using Unibit which is a superset of popular static site generators. Stackbit can transpile this theme into a Jekyll, Hugo or Gatsby site (more generators coming soon).
The included stackbit.yaml file defines a universal content model for your content, front matter and data. Stackbit can automatically connect this theme to CMS like Contentful, DatoCMS, Forestry, Netlify CMS, etc.
Develop locally using the Unibit CLI.
npm install -g @stackbit/unibit
Start the local development server.
unibit develop
Compile a production build into the public
unibit build
Develop this theme in the browser using CodeSandbox.