Restful server for Codeigniter 4
Use the package with composer install
> composer require daycry/restful
Run command:
> php spark restful:publish
> php spark settings:publish
> php spark cronjob:publish
> php spark jwt:publish
This command will copy a config file to your app namespace.
Then you can adjust it to your needs. By default file will be present in app/Config/
> php spark migrate -all
This command create restful tables in your database.
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourceController;
use Daycry\RestFul\RestFul;
use Daycry\RestFul\Traits\Authenticable;
class Center extends ResourceController
use RestFul;
use Authenticable;
public function index()
return $this->respond( $this->content );
If you need to validate the data, you can call `validation` method passing the string rules, array of data and Validation Config file if you need.
By default load `App\Config\Validation.php` rules.
For Example: `app/Config/Validation.php` or if rules are in custom namespace `app/Modules/Example/Config/Validation.php`
public $requiredLogin = [
'username' => 'required',
'password' => 'required'
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourceController;
use Daycry\RestFul\RestFul;
use Daycry\RestFul\Traits\Authenticable;
use Daycry\RestFul\Traits\Validation;
class Center extends ResourceController
use RestFul;
use Authenticable;
use Validation;
public function index()
$this->validation( 'requiredLogin', $this->content );
return $this->respond( $this->content );
$this->content contains a body content in the request. $this->args contains all params, get, post, headers,...
If you want you can use the object $this->request for get this params if you want, for example, $this->request->getPost()
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourceController;
use Daycry\RestFul\RestFul;
use Daycry\RestFul\Traits\Authenticable;
use Daycry\RestFul\Traits\Validation;
class Center extends ResourceController
use RestFul;
use Authenticable;
use Validation;
public function index()
$this->validation( 'requiredLogin', $this->content, config( Example\\Validation ), true, true );
return $this->respond( $this->content );
Validation function parameters
Fiels | Desctiption |
rule | Name of rule |
data | array of data to validate |
namespace | Namespace that contains the rule, default: null |
getShared | true or false |
filter | If you want to limit the content of the body, exclusively to the parameters of the rule. |
#Access Filter
You can restrict requests setting scopes by access filter
namespace App\Config;
$routes->group('group', ['namespace' => 'App\Controllers'], static function ($routes) {
$routes->post('search/(:segment)', 'Search::$1', [ 'filter' => '' ]);
$routes->post('auth/(:segment)', 'Auth::$1', [ 'filter' => 'access:example.auth' ]);
By default you can associate users with keys via the '\Daycry\RestFul\Models\UserModel' model, but you can customize extending this class.
namespace App\Models;
use CodeIgniter\Validation\ValidationInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface;
use Daycry\RestFul\Models\UserModel as RestFulUserModel
class UserModel extends RestFulUserModel
protected $allowedFields = [
public function __construct(?ConnectionInterface &$db = null, ?ValidationInterface $validation = null)
parent::__construct($db, $validation);
If you customize the user class, you have to modify the default configuration
public string $userProvider = \Daycry\RestFul\Models\UserModel::class;
If you want to use some custom exception to use it as a failed request attempt and allow the blocking of that IP, you have to create the static attribute authorized.
If authorized is false the system increases by 1 the failed attempts by that IP. Example:
namespace App\Exceptions;
use Daycry\RestFul\Exceptions\RuntimeException;
class CustomException extends RuntimeException
protected $code = 401;
public static $authorized = true;
public static function forInvalidPassphrase()
self::$authorized = false;
return new self(lang('Secret.invalidPassphrase'));
public static function forInvalidToken()
self::$authorized = false;
return new self(lang('Secret.invalidToken'));
public static function forExpiredToken()
self::$authorized = false;
return new self(lang('Secret.tokenExpired'));
public static function forTokenReaded()
self::$authorized = false;
return new self(lang('Secret.readed'));
You can customize the requests independently using the ws_endpoints
Fiels | Value | Options | Desctiption |
controller_id |
This field contains the identifier of the ws_controllers table, this table stores the controllers of the classes, for example \App\Controllers\Auth |
method |
\App\Controllers\Auth::login |
Use this field to configure the method of controller | |
auth |
token |
false ,basic ,digest ,bearer , session , token |
Use this field to configure the autentication method |
log |
null |
null ,1 ,0 |
Use this field if you want log the request |
limit |
null |
null ,1 ,15 |
Use this field if you want to set a request limit, this value must be an integer |
time |
null |
null ,1800 ,3600 |
This field is used to know how often the request limit is reset ( Time in seconds Example: 3600 -> In this case you can do {limit} request in 3600 seconds) |
scope |
null |
null ,auth.login , |
Use this field to indicate the scope in the request, you can set this value in access filter |
You can fill the ws_controllers automatically with a command.
php spark restful:discover
This command search class in the namespace o namespaces that you want. You can set this namespaces in the RestFul.php config file.
* Cronjob
* Set to TRUE to enable Cronjob for fill the table petitions with your API classes
* $restNamespaceScope \Namespace\Class or \Namespace\Folder\Class or \Namespace example: \App\Controllers
* This feature use Daycry\CronJob vendor
* for more information:
public array $namespaceScope = ['\App\Controllers', '\Api\Controllers'];
Or creating a cronjob tasks editing CronJob.php config file like this.
| Cronjobs
| Register any tasks within this method for the application.
| Called by the TaskRunner.
| @param Scheduler $schedule
public function init(Scheduler $schedule)
$schedule->command('restful:discover')->named('discoverRestful')->daily('11:30 am');
More information about cronjob:
The default response is in json
but you can change to xml
in the headers.
Accept: application/json
Accept: application/xml
The body of petition is json
by default, but you can change it.
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/xml
You can sent api rest token
in headers, GET or POST variable like this.
You can sent language
like this.
Accept-Language: en