This is an open source MIT project tha has been made to facilitate the development of vuejs applications.
Project stacks:
- Vuejs 2.6.10
- Vuetify 2.1.0
- Typescript 3.6.4
- Pug 2.0.4
- Sass [email protected]
- Jest 23.6.0
- Cypress 3.5.0
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class ExampleComponent extends Vue {}
You can see all the documentation about that in the github project of vue-property-decorator
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Route } from '@/services/router-loader/router-loader.decorator';
import ParentComponentIfExists from './path-to/parent-component.vue';
path: '/example-path',
name: 'example-route',
parent: ParentComponentIfExists,
export default class ExampleComponent extends Vue {}
import { Entity, Body, Type } from '@/services/entity/entity.decorator';
export class SuperPower {
public title!: string;
public description!: string;
export class Hero {
public name!: string;
public superPowers!: SuperPower[];
export default class HeroService {
public static async getAllHeroes(
@QueryString() page: number = 1,
@Response(HeroPagination) response?: Promise<HeroPagination>,
) {
return response;
public static async getHeroById(
@Param('id') id: string,
@Response(Hero) response?: Promise<Hero>,
) {
return response;
import { Module, Action, Mutation, VuexModule } from 'vuex-module-decorators';
export default class LayoutStore extends VuexModule {
public isDark: boolean = false;
public setIsDark(isDark: boolean) {
this.isDark = isDark;
@Action({ commit: 'setIsDark' })
public toggleIsDark(): boolean {
return !this.isDark;
You can see all the documentation about that in the github project of vuex-module-decorators
This project uses the require.context feature of webpack to load same things like routes and store. The autoloader rules depends of the file name to works, because of this, you need to pay attention in the sufix of file names.
Examples of file names:
- Service: hero.service.ts
- Entity: hero.entity.ts
- Store:
- Component: for components are 2 rules:
- Components that contains routes: hero.view.vue
- Other components: hero.component.vue
You can use npm or yarn.
yarn install
yarn run serve
yarn run build
yarn run test
yarn run lint
yarn run test:e2e
yarn run test:unit