NuOscillator is a wrapper around oscillation calculators, enabling the computation of oscillation probabilities for various configurations, including beam oscillations, atmospheric oscillations, and sterile neutrinos with NSI effects.
The framework has been adapted to integrate seamlessly with oscillation fitters like MaCh3.
mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake ../ -DUseGPU=0 -DUseMultithreading=1 -DUseDoubles=0 -DUseCUDAProb3=0 -DUseCUDAProb3Linear=1 -DUseProb3ppLinear=1 -DUseNuFASTLinear=1 -DUseProbGPULinear=0
make -jN [Where N is number of threads]
make install
don't forget about
source Linux/bin/
then you can check if everything runs correctly by
cd ../
./build/Linux/bin/DragRace 1000 NuOscillatorConfigs/Binned_NuFASTLinear.yaml
Recommended way is to use CPM within you CmakeList.txt
NAME NuOscillator
VERSION v1.2.1
GITHUB_REPOSITORY "dbarrow257/NuOscillator"
GIT_TAG "main"
"UseGPU 0"
"UseMultithreading 1"
"UseDoubles 1"
"UseCUDAProb3Linear 0"
"UseCUDAProb3 0"
"UseProbGPULinear 0"
"UseProb3ppLinear 0"
"UseNuFASTLinear 1"
"UseNuSQUIDSLinear 0"
"UseOscProb 1"
etc. refers to implemented engines. Engines are loaded via yaml config files. In principle you can compile all of them and select one you want to use via config.
Following neutrino oscillation calculators are available:
Oscillator | Hardware | Source | Reference |
CUDAProb3Linear | CPU/GPU | Beam | |
CUDAProb3 | CPU/GPU | Atm | Ref |
ProbGPULinear | GPU | Beam | Ref |
Prob3++Linear | CPU | Beam | |
NuFastLinear | CPU | Beam | Ref |
OscProb | CPU | Beam/Atm | Ref |
NuSQUIDSLinear | CPU | Beam | Ref |
Some engines requires gpu like ProbGPULinear
other can use both CPU and GPU. To use GPU functionality remember about
cmake ../ -DUseGPU=1
You can also pass CUDA architectures via cmake to ensure consistent architectures in multiple packages:
NuOscillator natively doesn't include many c++ compiler flags (this include optimalisation flags). Since package is intended to be used withing other (fitting) frameworks we allow to pass compiler flags via cmake.
cmake ../ -DNuOscillator_Compiler_Flags="-O3;-g;-Wextra;-Wall"
This give full freedom to users in how to configure NuOscillator.
First initialise factory to produce engine defined by config. See exmaples of configs here
auto OscillFactory = std::make_unique<OscillatorFactory>();
std::string NuOscillatorConfigFile = "configs/NuFASTLinear.yaml");
NuOscProbCalcers = OscillFactory->CreateOscillator(NuOscillatorConfigFile);
Now you need specify energy bins for which oscillation are going to be calculated. Energy must be in GeV! It is good practice to sort energy values as NuOscillator expect them in ascending order.
std::vector<double> EnergyArray = {0, 0.6, 1, 10};
Lastly pass energy vector and finish setup
if (!NuOscProbCalcers->EvalPointsSetInConstructor()) {
- Better handling of oscillation parameter pass through