Auto-generated changelog
Sort variables by name when debugging
Removed wait-keyword from NOLOL
Added a standard-library for nolol
Generate docs for nolol-files via CLI
Completely reworked nolol-macros
Implemented nolol inline-ifs properly
Reworked yolol-tokenizer and parser a little
Reduced code-duplication in nolol-analyzer
Re-structured nolol-converter
Made nolol's goto accept expressions
Increased maximum of expandable nolol-macros
Improved debug-stepping for nolol
Removed unnecessary space when printing yolol
Added space after ; when printing nolol
Improved changelog-generation
Added instructions for SSC-hotkeys to Docs #39 #40
Experimental Autotype for SSC #39 #40
Fixed issue with GITHUB_TOKEN and npm install
Updated vscode dependencies
Experimental support for macOS
Made compact formatting the default for everything
Removed unnecessary spaces before negation when formatting
Fixed a bug in the spaceless printer
Made current-window check of autotype a bit faster
Fixed a race-condition in the error-handling of the test-runner
Changed hotkey for chip-delete to ctrl+p
Auto-type hotkeys only work inside Starbase
Implemented auto-typing into starbase
Added debug-switch to vscode-extension
Auto-completion for nolol
Allowed empty if/else blocks
Fixed highlighting of jump-labels
Fixed a crash when ifs are empty in nolol
Added instructions for vscode-yolol
Enabled case-selection when debugging a test in vscode
Corrected space-placements for variable-names ending in numbers
Fixed a bug when displaying small negative numbers
Small tweaks to CLI-output
Fixed an error when printing certain numbers
Fixed small bug in factorial implementation
Formatted examples
Implemented factorial-operator
Simple auto-completion for yolol
Added language-config for yolol, to improve vscode-integration
Improved error-handling of the parser
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