The intention of this project is to gain a strong working knowledge of a Rails 4.2 web application that uses the zurb foundation responsive front-end framework and Devise for User access, athentication and authorization.
Application begins with the 'start' action (root :to => 'projects#start'). A portfolio has many different portfolio types. In this case, Professional, Education, Arts, Athletics, Recreational. Each portfolio type has a project. And each Project Type can have it's own posts.
- Start: Presents Portfolio Types - Select Portfolio Type
- Portfolio Type (index or projects_path filtered by portfolio_type)
- Projects: title, timeframe, location, project description
- Posts: title, content
- Projects: title, timeframe, location, project description
Experience and expertise gained here will be applied to the class project Klusters.
- ruby 2.1.0
- rails 4.0.2
- Devise 3.2.3
- CanCan
- postreSQL 9.3.3
- zurb-foundation 4.3.2
- David Baynes
- guest - no login
- can post comments
- editor
- can post comments
- can publish/unpublish posts
- username: [email protected]
- pw: editorship
- admin
- can post comments
- can add projects
- username: [email protected]
- pw: admin
- Admin:
- Can see everything
- Can Create Project
- Can Edit and Delete Project
- Has Users tab to edit user
- Can add/change roles
- Can delete users
- Can add portfolio type where image is uploaded.
A link will be available to admin after login on the Start Page to 'Customize' the portfolio, add new projects
and upload an image.
- Editor
- Can approve posts
- Can approve comments
- User
- Can post
- Can comment on posts
- Can see only approved comments and posts
- Guest
- Can see only approved comments and posts
Notes on Comments: - If signed in, add a comment option is ready for a post - Must be logged in to comment - Can delete only your own comment - Can see your comment whether approved or not - Editor can approve/unapprove comments for public view (readonly) - Editor can delete comments Team Project: - Project conception where idea for an application was developed. - made gem determination for uploading documents - Built initial scaffolding and initial proof of concept for paperclip gem selection - Created initial document model - Added CRUD for document model - Added Polymorphic Comments to application - Collaborated with Adam Hendricksen
Date: Tuesday February 19, 2014