Mittnite is a small, but smart init system designed for usage as ENTRYPOINT
in container images.
It offers the following features:
- Render configuration files from templates using Go's
engine. - Start processes and manage their lifecycle
- Watch configuration files and send configurable signals to processes on change
- Wait until required services are up before starting processes (currently supporting filesystem mounts, HTTP services, MySQL, Redis, AMQP and MongoDB)
$ mittnite --help
Mittnite is a small, but smart init system designed for usage as `ENTRYPOINT` in container images
mittnite [flags]
mittnite [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Show extended information about the current version of mittnite
-c, --config-dir string set directory to where your .hcl-configs are located (default "/etc/mittnite.d")
-h, --help help for mittnite
Use "mittnite [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This will render all template files and execute the sleep 10
$ mittnite renderfiles sleep 10
In order to run your own static application - e.g. a golang
-binary with mittnite
, we recommend to inherit the mittnite
docker-image and copy your stuff on top.
COPY mittnite.d/ /etc/mittnite.d/
COPY myApplication /usr/local/bin/
# ENTRYPOINT and CMD are optional, because they are inherited by parent image
If you'd like to use mittnite
for non-static applications like node
or similar, you can download the mittnite
-binary from Github.
FROM node:12-alpine
RUN wget -qO-${MITTNITE_VERSION}/mittnite_${MITTNITE_VERSION}_linux_x86_64.tar.gz \
| tar xvz mittnite -C /usr/bin && \
chmod +x /usr/bin/mittnite
COPY mittnite.d/ /etc/mittnite.d/
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/mittnite"]
CMD ["up","--config-dir", "/etc/mittnite.d"]
The directory specified with --config-dir
, or the shorthand -c
, can contain any number of .hcl
configuration files.
All files in that directory are loaded by mittnite
on startup and can contain any of the configuration directives.
Possible directives to use in a job definition.
job "foo" {
command = "/usr/local/bin/foo"
args = "bar"
max_attempts = 3
canFail = false
watch "/etc/conf.d/barfoo" {
signal = 12
Possible directives to use in a file definition.
file "/path/to/file.txt" {
from = "examples/test.d/test.txt.tpl"
params = {
foo = "bar"
file "/path/to/second_file.txt" {
from = "examples/test.d/second_test.txt.tpl"
overwrite = false
params = {
foo = "bar"
Possible directives to use in a probe definition.
probe "probe-name" {
wait = true
redis {
host = {
hostname = "localhost"
port = 6379
password = ""
mysql {
host = {
hostname = "localhost"
port = 3306
credentials = {
user = "foo"
password = "bar"
amqp {
host = {
hostname = "localhost"
port = 5672
credentials = {
user = "foo"
password = "bar"
virtualhost = ""
mongodb {
host = {
hostname = "localhost"
port = 27017
credentials = {
user = "foo"
password = "bar"
database = "mongo"
http {
scheme = "http"
host = {
hostname = "localhost"
port = 8080
path = "/status"
timeout = "5s"
Specifying a port
is optional and defaults to the services default port.
job webserver {
command = "/usr/bin/http-server"
watch "/etc/conf.d/*.conf" {
signal = 12 # USR2
file "/etc/conf.d/test.txt" {
from = "examples/test.d/test.txt.tpl"
params = {
foo = "bar"
probe redis {
wait = true
redis {
host = {
hostname = "localhost"
port = 6379
More example files can be found in the examples directory