version: 0.0.0
- Ruby 1.9 +
- Ruby gem 1.8 +
- parseconfig
- LLVM 3.3 +
- Clang 3.3 +
URCC is a source-to-source C compiler written in Ruby. It can use GCC and LLVM as front-ends. The current distribution assumes the use of LLVM, which it uses to parse C source code into LLVM IR. Then it creates the URCC intermediate representation and supports user-defined passes for optimization. It generates C code after optimization.
Instead of writing compiler passes in C/C++, users could implement and test optimization passes in Ruby, which is easier to program and experiment and helps compiler prototyping and teaching.
Installation requires Ruby Rake and ParseConfig installed. If you don't have them, run following to install.
[sudo] gem install rake
[sudo] gem install parseconfig
And then run rake to install:
git clone
rake install
Test if your installation works.
urcc --version
For first time run, URCC will add config folder to $HOME/.urcc
, and add a config file and a PASSES folder where pass files are defined.
Run urcc *.c
to compile C source file. The default outputs includes:
- Un-optimized version of IR;
- Un-optimized version of IR C dump;
- Un-optimized version of compiled binary;
- Optimized version of IR;
- Optimized version of IR C dump;
- Optimized version of compiled binary;
The output could be defined in config file.
By default, passes are contained in $HOME/.urcc/PASSES
, and are defined individually as ruby files. Edit the config file if you want to include your pass file names in PASS > passes, separated by commas.
A pass should be defined as a ruby Proc named 'Pass', inside a module named 'PassModule'. The 'Pass' Proc takes the AST tree of the program as input.
Following is an example pass which does nothing.
# Define a HelloWorld pass
module PassModule
Pass = do |prog|
p prog
To include this pass, save it as "HelloWorld.rb" under PASSES directory, and add HelloWorld to config file PASSES > passes.
The intermedite representation (IR) is abstract syntax tree (AST). An easy way to browse AST classes and functions is to use rdoc to generate code documentation:
cd [repos]/lib/ast
rdoc *.rb
Open doc/table_of_contents.html in a Web browser.